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1200 Calories

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Q: You weigh 214 pounds how many calories can you eat each day to lose 5 pounds a week?
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How many calories can you burn walking for 21 mins if i weigh 106 pounds?

You can lose 120 calories depending on how fast you walk. I'm 15 and weigh 95 pounds so I would lose less :P. GOOD LUCK!

If you weigh 190 pounds how many calories should you eat a day to lose weight fast?

1,500 calories a day

How do you lose fat in 5th grade?

you have to lose calories you do that by excising and lose 500 calories each say for one week no junk food you will lose 1 pound in a week if you only lose 500 calories each or 1000 each day you will lose 2 pounds

You are 5'2 weigh 135 pounds and want to weigh 125?

You need to lose 10 lbs at 3500 calories a pound.

How many calories should you eat per day if you are 5'4 and weigh 128 pounds and are trying to lose weight?

About 1500 calories

If you weigh 95 pounds if you eat 75 calries ever day how many pounds will you weigh in a week?

less than 95 pounds because 2000 calories maintains your weight less calories lets you lose weight more calories lets you gain weight

If you weigh 246 pounds and only eat 1700 calories a day how long will it take to lose 100 pounds?

1 year

How many calories does a 106 pound with the height of 5'3.5 female need to weigh 95 pounds?

First of all, if you are 5'3.5 and 106 pounds, you should be asking how many calories you need to weigh 115 pounds!! You don't need to lose weght, you need to gain it.

What is he best way to lose weight quickly if you are 29 and weigh around 260 pounds?

Reduce intake of calories...............

If you are 5' 5 and weigh 130 pounds how do you lose 10 pounds?

In order to lose weight you should create a calorie deficit. In order to lose 1 pound a week you should cut 500 calories a day from your diet or burn this amount of extra calories a day.

How many calories should you eat to lose 100 lbs?

If you want to loose 100 pounds, it depends on your height, current weight, and age. Hear is a trick: if you weigh between 150 and 300 pounds, then multiply your weight number by seven. That should give you your amount of calories for each DAY. If you weigh more than 300 pounds, use that as your starting weight and multiply that by seven.

I am 5' 2 105lbs how long will it take to lose 15lbs eating 100-500 calories a day?

Please do not try to lose fifteen pounds. You are very slender already. If you lose fifteen pounds, you will weigh 90 pounds and be underweight and unhealthy. 500 calories a day is not enough calories to maintain a healthy body. You will become sick, and your face will start to sink in and become unattractive. Stick to a diet of around 1500 calories a day and stay at 105 pounds. Your body will thank you.