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You should only vote if you know what/who your voting for, first of all. However, in my opinion, you should vote if you want something specific to happen, ie: legalize marijuana. Why? So that the next time this specific law, or whatever it is you want to happen, doesn't, then at least you have a right to complain about it. The worst thing ever, is when someone is sitting next to you complaining about who was elected, when they haven't even voted against it.

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Q: Why should people exercise their right to vote?
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What are two good reason to exercise your right to vote?

You should exercise your right to vote so that you can set a good example for the youth and the people in your life. Also to be supportive of your country as a whole.

What do you mean by adult franchise?

The right exercise by which people elect their representatives is called to right the vote or right to franchise

Should people have a right to choose whether or not to vote?

Yes everyone should have a right to vote that are over the age of 18

What is suffrage?

The right to vote.

Why is it important for people to have the right to vote?

Because the are human and should be able to vote.

What does it mean to exercise your right of suffrage?

To vote

Why did women get the right to vote?

People have realized that in a democracy, all contributing members of society should get the right to vote. Women should not be discriminated against because of their sex and deserve the right to vote just as men deserve the right to vote.

Why is it important for Aborginal people to have the right to vote?

Because the are human and should be able to vote.

In order to have a government that adequately represents the people citizen of the US must exercise their right to?

vote in elections.

In order to have a government that adequately represent the people citizens of the US must exercise their right to?

vote in elections.

In order to have a government that adequately represents the people citizens of the US must exercise their right to?

vote in elections.

What do citizens forfeit if they do not exercise their right to vote?

You forfeit your right to choose.