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Q: Why might people who are weaker or less skilled than others try to do?
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Does the state of Florida have a weaker alcohol content than others?

Definitely not. It might even be higher than most states.

What might people who were not as smart as others or who were weaker than others try to do?

People who may feel they are not as smart or strong as others may try to compensate by working harder, seeking help from others, or focusing on developing different strengths or skills. It's important for them to remember that everyone has their own unique talents and abilities, and that success is not solely defined by intelligence or physical strength.

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there bones might be weaker than others because they are young and there bones have not grown fully yet

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for some people it might be, and others-it might not

What is the antonym of skilled?

the synonym for skilled might something along the lines of unskilled.

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it might be to some people, others it might not be. it all depends on people's opinion :)

Might is Right means what according to state of nature?

"Might is Right," is generally understood to mean that the strongest have dominion over those who are weaker. Basically, it means that those who have a size advantage over others get to make the rules.

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They can can be, and many people might think so while others might disagree!

What is the definition of the belief that some races were superior and deserved to conquer others was known as?

ethnocentrism is the belief in the superiority of your own race but it might be imperialism which is stronger nations taking over weaker nations

Why do people scare people on YouTube?

Some people scare others on YouTube as just like a funny prank. others might scare people because they are mean. Mostly, it is the shock and reaction that make others laugh.

Are beagles the cutest dog breed?

It dpends on who you are. Some people might say yes and others might say no.

Why are some people better dancers than others. What are your theories on this topic?

Some people are better dancers than others because their coordination might be better.