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Breathing in this manner helps you to breathe into your diaphragm, instead of just the upper part of the lungs, which is what mose people tend to do. Proper breathing should be deep breaths into the diaphragm and into the lowest part of the lung, thereby filling them up as much as possible.

One way to tell if you're breathing properly is your gut - when breathing deep into the lungs, you'll feel like it's actually filling up the lower part of your gut when you do so. The incorrect way will feel like you're breathing shallow, and you'll get out of breath faster when you exercise.

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13y ago

If you breathe through your nose you have the hairs which catch the bacteria and then you have enzymes that come and kill the bacteria leaving them as bogeys. now every enzyme is like a fingerprint, unique. Every enzyme has another enzyme that helps it, one catches and one kills. but only one type of enzyme can kill a type of bacteria. So breathing through your nose kills more. If you breathe through your mouth your spit has the same process but because of the loss of hairs you don't kill as many bacteria. Hope I helped.

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Q: Why is it important to breath through your nose and out through your mouth when you exercise?
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