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Some of the best exercises on the Weider Crossbow 2000X to flatten your stomach and thighs are leg presses, lying crunches, and seated ab crunches.

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Q: Why exercises are best to use on a weider crossbow 2000x to flatten your stomach and thighs together?
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Related questions

Other than sit ups what exercises can you do to flatten your stomach?


What's the fastest way to flatten your stomach by using a weight bench and a weider crossbow?

There is only one way to flatten a person's stomach using a weight bench. You will have to workout everyday.

Can you give me some good examples of exercises to flatten my stomach that do not hurt my back?

Situps, crunches and abdominal curls help tone stomach muscles and flatten stomachs. Overall fat loss depends on a sensible diet and exercise regime.

Why does my stomach stick out?

One reason your stomach may stick out is if your abs are not being worked out. You can try core exercises to flatten your abs. Another thing you can do is work on your posture because that affects whether or not your stomach sticks out as well.

If you weigh around 230 pounds how can you flatten your stomach an lose weight at the same time by using a weight bench and a weider crossbow machine?

You can flatten your tummy and lose weight at the same time when using a weight bench, by doing the exercise more vigorously and adding some extra time.

Do colonics flatten tummies?

Colonics can help flatten the area of the stomach but not drastically. Colonics clear waste from the intestines which can help with the bloating of the stomach.

If I do hanging leg raises burpees jackknife sit-up crunch mountain climbers and cross body crunch how fast will it flatten my stomach?

If you do all these exercises in alternative reps, you should be able to flatten your stomach in 2 months. While you will see definition within 6 weeks, it takes about 2 months to really see results.

Does peanut butter help flatten stomach?


Can a chubby stomach be flatten?

yes if you try hard.

How do you flatten your stomach with exercise?

To help flatten a flabby stomach you can do Ab Crunches on a Ball to work the Upper Abs. You can do Inclined Reverse Crunch to work the Lower Abs. And you can do the Standing Oblique Crunch to work the Sides.

What are stomach crunches?

Stomach crunches are the core of all stomach exercises. They are considered as basic abdominal exercises. You can do it at home, without any devices.

How can you flatten your stomach without exercise and dieting?

That's kind of impossible...