near about the beggining of 2 months pregnet.
No. Mucus is broken down by the acid in your stomach. It therefore does not remain behind in the stomach and passes normally through the digestive track of the body.
Get some of those spandex-like things and wear them under your clothes
stick a vacuum up you butt lay on your stomach for a couple of minutes. the weight of your will force out the excess air.
That is a story/ fairytale that parents tell their kids all the time. Although it is hard to digest it, it doesn't stick to your stomach!! It stays in your stomach for about 5 years and then goes!! I hope that's of any help!! Don't worry about it though!!
I'm not to sure that is a good idea. It can probably stick to the inside of your stomach. Wouldn't suggest eating it.
okapis have a round stomach and has sturdy stick like legs
You will be fine eating chap stick will not hurt you if you accidentally eat some it fine you might get a stomach ache if you have a sensitive stomach but most people don't have one. But if you get a stomach ache drink some carbonated water because sugared drinks like Dr.pepper, coke and Root beer will make you stomach worse. I am glad I could help!
seahorses on a stick
No. Its an old wives tale, it also doesn't stick your insides together OR take 7 years to digest.
you must stick the scalpel up your stomach so blood runs out. And call a sexy girl to start kissing the scalpel.