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At high altitude, there is less oxygen, so breathing rate is increased to compensate.

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Q: Why does breathing rate increase at a high altitude?
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An increase in breathing rate can be triggered by an increase in the?

An increase in breathing rate can be triggered by an increase in carbon dioxide levels in the blood, low oxygen levels, physical exertion, stress, or high altitude. These factors can stimulate the respiratory centers in the brain to increase the rate and depth of breathing to help maintain proper gas exchange in the body.

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Typically, the individual who suffers from HAPE ascends quickly to a high altitude and almost immediately develops shortness of breath, a rapid heart rate, a cough productive of a large amount of sometimes bloody sputum, and a rapid rate of breathing.

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Tachycardia is an increase in heart rate while tachypnea is an increase in the rate of breathing

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hmm heart rate maybe?

Why doe the amount of water vapour decrease rapidly with altitude?

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What can the breathing rate increase to during exercise?

During exercise, the breathing rate can increase to around 40-60 breaths per minute or even higher depending on the intensity of the exercise and individual fitness level. This increase in breathing rate helps to supply more oxygen to the muscles and remove carbon dioxide from the body.

What happens to the bodies heart rate and breathing rate during vigorous exercise?

it will increase

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Does the attitude of an area affects the breathing rate?

Yes the altitude of the area does affect the breathing rate becaue the higher you go the lower the air pressure and the the lower you go the lower the air pressure.