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How come people like watching TV? It's just a natural behavior

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Q: Why do men think they look good in Speedos?
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Why do people call men who wear speedos all the time perverts?

Because speedos are a disgusting cry for attention "look at my penis!" They should be banned by the Geneva Convention as an international war crime.

What do men in Iran wear?

Speedos and whipped cream

Where can one see men in speedos?

One can see men in Speedos at the beach, or at the local swimming pool. If this is not enough, specialist magazines can be found usually on the top shelf at your local newsagent.

What hairstyles look good on tall men?

i think that tall men look good in short or bald hair. anything long is just a distraction or looks funny

Why do Americans hate men in speedos?

Not all Americans do. Every person us different.

Why do men wear speedos?

Some men wear speedos due to the fact that they like the look or the feel of the speedo than the normal swimming suit. Some guys look good in them and others don't. Just depends on the person. If you have a nice build, then I say to flaunt it. As there are some women who do not look good in a bikini also there are men who do not look good in a Speedo. I am 33 years old, very well built (not musclebound) and I wear a Speedo. I have no problems wearing at pool or the beach. One word of advice, NEVER wear a white unlined Speedo. When the white fabric gets wet, it shows everything!

Who greeted Christopher Columbus and his men when they arrived?

he was greeted by marshians in speedos eating french noodles

Do Male Teens and Men wear speedos in Australia Gold Cost?

yes if they want to swim fast

What is the school uniform for itt tech?

Men should wear speedos and woman should wear bikinis and bras

Men judge women as especially attractive if they?

If they're naked. LOL ROFL XD It's true. No joke. We can think we look terrible naked. But men, always think we look good naked. It's a blessing to have such accepting admirers. We just need to convince ourselves.

Why do men look at ladies breast?

because they look good

Do men with long hair look professional?

I think not