there are many tattoos that he has, which one in particular? -birds on his chest - 'hi' from louis on his arm - locket on his wrist - 17black on his chest -star (wont stop till we surrender) inside bicep -filled in black star inside bicep -hanger inside bicep -gemma's name in hebrew (his sister) outside of bicep -i cant change other arm -things i cant other arm -bird cage ribish area -a (the tinnest) right before the crease of his left arm and some more but i cant exactly remeber! hope it helps :)
i did sports science but cant forget the terms properly.. however there are two parts to bicep curls, the up and down. durin the uplifting of a weight, the bicep is the main muscle working, whilst the tricep is assisting, this is opposite for downwards phase.
The past tense of "am" is "was" and the past tense of "have" is "had." So, the past tense of "I am" with "I have" would be "I was" and "I had."
No, your bicep is a muscle.
My right bicep is aching.
bicep- it bends the arm while the triceps straighten the arm.
The bicep is in the muscular body system.
The tricep contracts and the bicep relaxes.
the bicep is located in your arm
Your bicep is a muscle which means it goes in the muscular system.
A torn bicep muscle can usually occur when your bicep muscle is fully extended and under too much pressure. Weight lifters often get a torn bicep muscle when doing the preacher curl. The preacher curl can really strain the bicep muscle, and lead to a torn bicep muscle if you are lifting to much weight or have not warmed up correctly. Your bicep is a muscle on your arm. it is the muscle that you usually flex when trying to show off your srength. Most torn bicep muscle injuries occur when the arm is fully extended and the lifter is just about to pull the weight back up. When you get a torn bicep muscle you will feel an immediate sharp pain in your bicep near your elbow, followed by bicep muscle weakness and stiffness and eventaully bruising.
By doing excersizes with dumbbells that work-out your biceps. E.G-Bicep curls.