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I found the best way to loose weight was to eat every2 -3 hrs and it regulates your metabolism. I ate salad, cheese, tuna, apples, cucumbers & carrotes fat free ranch dressing. i used small 2- oz. container. I would eat as much cabbage and drink plenty of water is the key to it all. I lost 25 lbs in 1 month. ice cold water boosts your metabolism

It may be worth investigating the Low GI approach to eating. This is an entirely different and safe way to approach weight loss and is incredibly successful and logical. You can't lose too much weight either. Neither will you be in danger of missing out on nutrition. It has been successful for many people including me. The important thing is fuel your body for an extended time, and not to set up a situation where your body thinks you are starving and actually stores fat.

Related Link - To help get you started, I've put a link to the Glycemic Index Website, but there are many others on the subject. Look on the left under the blue pod.


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Q: Why can't you lose weight even though you exercise and eat healthy?
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tons of exercise and eating healthy, you cant just say your going to do it, have to do it. you need self confidence and healthy eating habits and daily exercise,.which eventually will get easier and easier as days pass.

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no it cant because choclate is not healthy

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The Mayo Clinic Diet is a weight loss & lifestyle program that was designed by the experts at the Mayo Clinic. The purpose is to help you lose weight by teaching healthy eating and habits to develop and healthy lifestyle. ht tps://

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Well you might gain weight or maybe not it matters what kind of body you have.

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no. you cant heal cancer, you have to treat it, but a way that you can do is eat healthy every day, like fruits and vegetables so your immune system can increase and have a healthy life

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Your hip size is genetically predetermined. However, if you have gained weight then you can lose weight with exercise and a healthy diet. But you cant get any smaller than your body frame will allow.

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no. you cant heal cancer, you have to treat it, but a way that you can do is eat healthy every day, like fruits and vegetables so your immune system can increase and have a healthy life

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It really depends how skinny. A simple diet would work-cutting out un-needed fatty foods from your diet and always eating your five-a-day. Anorexia is incredibly un-healthy and there are many dangers of it. A sensible diet and regular exercise can help an individual reach a healthy weight.

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cant tell you sorry

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Watch what you eat. You may be eating right but maybe you are eating too much. Do not starve yourself though. Try drinking a lot of water before you eat and you will feel fuller. Some people just have a lot of muscle. Muscle weighs a lot

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Don't eat a lot of food for each meal & NEVER HAVE EXTRA SNACKS!!! Thats what i was doing two really small meals and when i did snack i ate fruit, in several months i lost very little which was very frustrating!im used to exercising so this is driving me insane!

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exercise!!! exercise!!! exercise... sit ups crunches. push ups. and most of all eat heaalthy!! :] if when u r doing exercise and it hurts so much ,DONT STOP. just imagine urself with a beautiful body and say to urself if i want to loose weight i cant stop/...