Yes it does.
a exercise bike or a treadmill
exercise your LITTLE but off!
She is very clearly a 13 or 14 year old girl who does some modelling when not in class - pervert
A 13 year old should get plenty of exercise! But should hang with friends and go on Skype
Eat a sensible, balanced diet - take regular exercise - keep ourself active.
Calle 13 - No Hay Nadie Como Tu
Is Paris Jackson the little girl in the 2012/13 Lexus December to Remember Dinner commercial??
If U watch Nickelodeon, there's a commercial with an animated girl which gives U a chance 2 become a celebrity! For ages 7-13!!
she should eat vegetables and workout no snacks just large meals and there you go
jog and eat low fat foods and exercise with weights
You should get an hour to two hours of exercise a day if you are 13 years old.