

Who invented aerobic step?

Updated: 12/21/2022
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16y ago

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Rich Boggs who heads the Step Company also created the original step. Based in Marietta, Georgia. Rich Boggs who heads the Step Company also created the original step. Based in Marietta, Georgia.

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Q: Who invented aerobic step?
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The first step in any aerobic workout should be?

The first step in any aerobic workout should be warming up.

Will one of those aerobic step things work with weights?

Yes, any weights can be simultaneously used with an aerobic step.

What actors and actresses appeared in Step Aerobic and Abdominal Workout - 1992?

The cast of Step Aerobic and Abdominal Workout - 1992 includes: Jane Fonda as herself

Do I need tools for a step aerobic dvd?

Since it is a step aerobic video, you will need an aerobic step. You can purchase one at the local sporting goods store or buy one online. You may also want to buy the matching pieces that allow you to make the step higher to increase the intensity of your workouts. Making your own stepper may be dangerous and lead to injury.

How many days a week would I need to use the Step® Body Fusion Aerobic Step for aerobic purposes?

2-4 days a week is good for 30 minutes.

What is th third step to cellular resperation?

The third step in aerobic cellular respiration is the Krebs cycle.

What is a list of aerobic exercises?

walking, cycling, jogging, aerobic (prolonged) dance, ski step or stair machines, ellipticals, swimming

What is the song on davina fit 'aerobic fit'?

It's Frankmusik "in step"

What is the best step aerobic dvd?

It is difficult to decide which is the best step aerobic dvd on the market today. The best way to decide would be to read user reviews for different dvds and decide which is the best for you.

How are glycolysis and cellar respiration related?

It is the first step. It is common to aerobic and anaerobic respiration

What step caused an aerobic atmosphere during the history of earth?

The evolution of photosynthetic organisms, such as cyanobacteria, led to the buildup of oxygen in Earth's atmosphere through a process called the Great Oxidation Event. This occurred around 2.4 billion years ago, gradually transforming the atmosphere from anaerobic to aerobic.

Are step aerobic routines safe for my ankle?

Most step aerobic routines are considered high impact on the knees and ankles. If you have experienced problems with your ankle in the past, ask your doctor before starting step aerobics and avoid routines that include repetitive stepping or hopping.