the liver has a higher metabolic rate
a person with a higher BMR gets hungry more quickly
Answer: She ate right before the measurement was done Chapter 8 Nutrition assesment ~jmata~
a person with a higher BMR gets hungry more quickly
There is a higher metabolic rate found in healthier person than sickly one.
Gender, age, and body shapes/sizes can affect a person's metabolic rate. ***Apex: All of the above
we dont know..
The metabolic rate begins to decline at age 30.
Well metabolic rate can be decreased in many ways and one way is having a higher proportion of fat to muscle. Also ecxercising increases the rate.
Well metabolic rate can be decreased in many ways and one way is having a higher proportion of fat to muscle. Also ecxercising increases the rate.
The metabolic rate of a naked person increasing if the air temperature is lowered depends on the person's physical makeup. A tin person will not react as a heavy person.