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Q: Which myofilaments actually do the pulling during the sliding filament model of muscle contraction?
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What filament is responsible for the pulling and what filament is pulled in the sliding filament theory?

In the sliding filament theory of muscle contraction, the thin filament (actin) slides over the thick filament (myosin). Myosin is responsible for pulling the actin filaments towards the center of the sarcomere during muscle contraction.

What myofilament does the pulling?

The myosin myofilament pulls on the actin myofilament during muscle contraction. This interaction, known as the sliding filament theory, results in the shortening of the sarcomere and muscle contraction.

Which proteins found myofilaments contains the cross bridge?

The protein found in myofilaments that forms the cross-bridge during muscle contraction is called myosin. Myosin interacts with actin, another protein in the myofilament, to generate the force necessary for muscle contraction.

In muscle contraction calcium apparently acts to?

Muscle contraction is regulated by calcium ions, which will change thin filament into an activated state by binding to troponin. The binding of calcium to the troponin changes it's shape so the myosin binding sites on the actin (thin filament) are exposedbind to regulatory sites on troponin to remove contraction inhibition

What are the two muscle movement?

Pulling and contracting is how a muscle moves the bones ....

What kind of connective tissue acts as a sponge from pulling away from bones during contraction?


Why does pulling a muscle represent contraction?

Contraction is the process in which a muscle becomes or is made shorter and tighter, so if a muscle is pulled, it has become shorter and tighter. Hope this helped!

What does pulling your means?

Pulling your leg usually means someone is messing with you or lying to you OR he is actually pulling your leg

What does pulling your leg?

Pulling your leg usually means someone is messing with you or lying to you OR he is actually pulling your leg

What is the contraction phase?

The contraction phase refers to the stage of a muscle action where the muscle fibers shorten and generate force. This is when the muscle is actively contracting and pulling on the tendons to create movement.

What happens to a tungsten- fillament lamp at the moment of switch on?

When a tungsten filament lamp is switched on, an electric current passes through the filament, heating it up rapidly. As the filament heats up, it emits light due to incandescence. The resistance of the filament keeps the current flow steady, providing a consistent light output.

When the myosin head flexes into a bend pulling the actin filament along with it this is called the A. actin reaction B. power stroke C. recovery stroke D. muscle tone E. action potential?
