The Mayo Clinic website and has a blood pressure chart available. The chart list the different blood pressure categories and the readings associated with them.
The best place to get a low blood pressure chart would be from your doctor. The charts are very general, and your doctor will be able to tell you how well it fits you based on your specific health factors.
You can find easy to read diabetes charts to help you with managing your blood levels from several websites where you can print the chart out. Websites such as
The Reader's Digest website can provide printable blood sugar charts. It provides an activity log, a blood sugar log, and a food diary that you can print out to help you reach your health goals.
To find a blood glucose chart online, you can find one at the American or Canadian diabetics Organization. They are free and easy to use to record glucose it the blood.
You can find an amortization calculator, which will produce a chart based on your numbers, online at You can use this chart for free and print out your final copy if you so desire.
A blood glucose chart can be found online via a number of websites. Such a chart is available on sites including WebMD, Healthiack, Medindia, American Diabetes Association.
If you can not find a chart online almost every local medical clinic will have a chart or all the blood types and more than enough information to give you the full listings of blood types.
They have sheets you can print to list your foods and the calories. You can print off a calorie chart to help find the calories and carbs in your food.
The best place to get an accurate estimation is from your doctor's office. They can print out a chart stating the percentile ranges as well.
You can find out if you have high blood pressure by having your blood pressure checked regularly. Most doctors will diagnose a person with high blood pressure on the basis of two or more readings, taken on several occasions. A consistent blood pressure reading of 140/90 mmHg or higher is considered high blood pressure, another term for hypertension.
You can search plenty of websites to find high blood pressure recipes one of them is can also search websites such as to find more information on recipes on high blood pressure.