A cool down should begin after you exercise, or when you feel dizzy or are getting cramps.
Routines should begin with warm-ups to reduce the chances of injuries and end with cool-down exercises to speed recovery.
Depending on the exercise and the method used for cooling down. Don't do it immedietly after your workout. Have some water and then begin.
It's a measure the body has to cool down. --------------------------------------------------- When your body reaches at a certain temperature, pores in your skin will open and you will begin to sweat in an attempt to cool your body down.
the cause of the melt down of the reactors in japan is the water that is needed to cool down the reactors
give them time to cool down.
The skin keep the body cool by sweating. When the body gets too hot as you may know by exercising you begin to perspire. This is how the body cools itself down.
It has lots of frost on it
Five to 10 minutes
warmup, strenuous conditioning,and cool down
warmup, strenuous conditioning,and cool down
warmup, strenuous conditioning,and cool down
If you are referring to ambient temperature and climate, it will likely begin to cool down towards the end of August and the beginning of September. If you are referring to the political climate and sectarian fighting, you may have to wait a tad bit longer.