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A lot of sunscreen

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Q: When exercising outside how much sunscreen do you need to apply?
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How much sunscreen does a person use?

It depends on where you actually are for the amount of sunscreen a person would use and how much skin they are exposing. For instance, if you're about to be exposed to a great about of sunlight, you would apply sunscreen to your entire body (or exposing skin) and even the face. If you lived some where cold and there's not that much sunlight, then it's best to apply it to you face, hand and arms.

How do you apply sunscreen?

Squeeze a small amount into your hand, don't squeeze out too much a little goes a long way. Then rub into your arms until the sunscreen is spread out evenly and there shouldn't be much, if any, white residue. Continue to apply sunscreen to your legs and abdomen; be sure to get your shoulders and the back of your neck. Now you will need someone's help to apply it on you back. Lastly take just a small amount of sunscreen and rub it around your face. Be sure to reapply sunscreen as needed, usually every hour or so.

What is the definition for over exercising?

Exercising to much

I have a feeling of weakness and exhaustion as soon as I walked in the house but when I was outside I felt fine What does this mean?

you were exercising to much or needed fresh air

Does sunscreen dry?

Depends on how much you put on

How much does sunscreen cost?

Usually $10

Why use natural sunscreen on your body rather than regular sunscreen?

Well, natural sunscreen has many useful benefits that normal sunscreen does not have. A natural sunscreen for example can provide much vitamins and mineral that are beneficial for your skin in many ways. The regular sunscreen on the other hand can contain many ineffective chemicals and is not as effective as a natural sunscreen.

How much money is spent on sunscreen each year?


Is exercising annoying if you are overweight?

If you are overweight, or not strong, or do not have much energy, or you are in poor health, exercising can be annoying and uncomfortable.

Why is sunscreen good for you?

Sunscreen in itself is not necessarily good for you- I mean, if you put it on and then stay inside all day, it won't do you any good. But if you're out in the sun a lot, sunscreen is a really good idea. Sunscreen protects your skin from the sun's UV rays which may be very harmful to your skin. The sun is very hot, and may give you a sunburn, heat rash, or even skin cancer if you are out too much without sunscreen. Sunscreen doesn't guarantee you WON'T get any of these, but it will help lesser the chances. Tip: ALWAYS WEAR SUNSCREEN!

Friend wanted to know how long does she have to lie outside to get a tan?

It really depends on how much sun is put and what angle and if you have sunscreen on or tanning lol on. but if you are on a boat on the water with tanning oil it will probably take like 1 hour

What does skin protect us from?

Sunscreen helps by blocking out some of the harmful UV rays coming from the sun from getting absorbed into your skin. Depending on the quality (the SPF) and how much you apply / how often you apply it, and how strong the sun is / how much time you spend in the sun, wearing sunscreen can protect you from getting burned, tan, and can help prevent certin forms of skin cancer from developing.