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I use Protein before, during, and after. I use ceatine after. It helps keep up the after workout pump.

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Q: When do you use creatine powder and whey protein powder before or after workout sessions or during?
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How often to take creatine?

Any time that's best for you on your work out days

How long do you have to wait before taking protein after creatine post workout?

There's no need to wait. Protein can be taken with creatine. Just be sure you're getting enough fluids.

Best time to use creatine and glutamine?

At the point when you awaken, you can take glutamine with creatine blended straightforwardly with water. Subsequent to preparing, you can join them with the post-exercise protein shake. During the day, you can take creatine and glutamine at different times, in light of the fact that recollect that creatine is a stacking supplement and requires persistent use

Is the best way to gain weight to take your protein pre and post-workout and take Creatine right after a workout?

Protein is best after a workout. Muscles rip during exercise and the rebuilding process is what makes them stronger. That's when you need the protein. Also, protein before a workout can cause digestive issues during that workout. ______________________________________________________________________ Answer:Creatine actually causes your muscle cells to absorb more water which makes them look bigger which gives us an illusion of extra size and mass. Effectively speaking, once you cut down on your creatine intake, the muscles would start releasing the excess water and you may end up feeling your muscles shrink in size. But, one good thing about creatine is that, it helps you gain that extra strength needed to do heavy workouts. Though it only packs water into our muscles, a properly administered dosage/cycle of creatine can help you in gaining weight and strength.

SHOULD you Drink creatine before or after your workout?

Before and the answer I have gotten from the majority of the trainers I have asked. I know that everyone has different opinions, but it makes sense to me. You want the creatine boost before your workout to give you an edge. And, after your workout, while your muscles are starved. I have always taken 1/2 the daily dose before, and the other 1/2 immediately after, and seen great results.

Is it ok to take nitric oxide iso protein and creatine all at the same time through out the day?

Their is no risk at all while taking these supplements until and unless you do not exceed the prescribed limit of intake. First of all their is no need to take creatine if you are using Nitric Oxide (NO) supplement, because Nitric oxide gives you the same boost as you get from CREATINE. Buts still if you wanna use all three then follow this schedule : >Nitric Oxide in an empty stomach in the morning.. >Protein after having NO .. >Creatine 45-60 min before workout . > NO again 30 min before workout.. > Protein just after your workout.. >and at last...protein as the last thing in the night!! ...Daily value of creatine should not exceed more than 5 gms per day!! FOLLOW THIS AND IN LESS THAN 2 WEEKS YOU WILL SEE THE RESULTS YOURSELF... ENJOY...

I am going to start using size-on creatine. the directions say to sip it while u work out and in between reps. can i drink half before and half after?

You can, but you would be wasting your money. If the directions say to sip it while you work out, that's exactly what you should do. Creatine is best absorbed gradually, and as your body's need for it increases (during the workout), absorption will get better. Most capsule forms of Creatine simulate this by having a slower release; you take it before your workout, and the capsule gradually releases it into your system. If you take a lot before the workout, most of it will be wasted because your body won't have a need for it, so the excess will get flushed. If you drink a lot after your workout, it will be too late to have any effect on your workout. Creatine is a workout supplement, not a protein shake or meal choice.

Should supplements be taken before or after a workout?

after is more important then before but you can do both. you want about 1.5 grams of proten per pound of muscle. diff people say diff things about that ratio but that's a good one. you rbody can only absorb so much proten at a time though so spread it out every three hours try to eat somthing. proten befor bed is equally important as after workout as your muscles heal the most as you sleep.

When can you use eas myoplex carb control protein shake after your workout or before?

Its better after a workout but you can before also.

Is it ok to be on both creatine and muscle milk?

Yes, take creatine in the morning one hour before a workout and muscle milk after the workout. Also, take creatine later in the day and muscle milk before bed. If you work out twice a day, follow the first step along with muscle milk before bed. Take fish oil at night with the muscle milk, it is healthy and will reduce your risks of a lot of diseases associated with not drinking enough water while on creatine.

Can you take 2 kre alkalyn pill before work out even it says take one pre and 1 post workout and take protein sheak after work out?

Yes, you can take 2 pill's of Kre-Alkalyn before you start you're work out but it will not bring you best results. The reason why you should drink 1 before workout and 1 after is that Kre-Alkalyn is 15 times stronger than regular creatine which means 1 pill is enough to keep the body well supplied during training and the other after training is to replenish the creatine that was used by you're body during exercise so that you creatine levels are constant after workout which will result in better muscle growth.

When is the best time to take creatine nitrate3 fuel before or after workout?

Before workouts becase every certain is jest befor workouts.