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A hot shower or immerse the aren and shoulder in a tub of hot water may help pain.

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Q: What would be better for arm and shoulder pain hot or cold shower?
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Which is better a hot shower or cold?

A hot shower always makes me feel better.

Is it safe to have a cold shower when you have a cold?

it techniqly not safe or non-safe . i know when i have a cold i take a really HOT shower. it helps me breath way better.

What is a cold sholder?

A cold shoulder is a way of showing insincere politeness or disregard for someone by deliberately ignoring them or giving them the silent treatment. It creates distance and can be a passive-aggressive form of communication.

After shoulder dislocation what is better heat or cold?

Immediately after - cold; When injury subsides - heat for healing.

Which is healthiear a cold shower or a hot shower?

a cold shower

Where does the term cold shoulder come from?

When guests would overstay their welcome (I'm not sure what era), the host would give them the toughest piece of meat...the cold shoulder.

Explain why people would feel cold coming out of a hot shower?

Simply when the temperature outside the shower is less than inside the shower the person would feel colder than when they were previously in the shower.

Do you have take hot or cold showers when you have chickenpox?

You better take a warm shower, it will good on your chicken pox!

Which shower is healthier a cold shower or a hot shower?

a cold shower it helps to decrease frizz in your hair and it opens up your pores when you was your face and shave

'Can you get hypothermia from being in a cold shower for a long period of time?

yes you can but the water would have to be close to freezing and the room would have to be vary cold

Can a cold shower get you clean?

Yes, a cold shower can get you clean, but a hot shower with soap with help to kill any germs that you are carrying.

When you have a fever should have a hot or cold shower?

A cold shower will help to bring down a fever.