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Q: What types of exercise easily isolates one specific muscle?
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Related questions

What are some ways to increase muscle growth?

Muscle growth can happen is you do muscle specific exercise which target many reps of the same exercise per muscle. You can also try increasing the amount of protein in your diet, either with diet or with protein powders.

What kind of muscle contrction is lifting a weight?

It depends on the weight you're using. at your house etc.

Whats a good exercise for your cardiac muscle?

Any excercise is good for your cardiac muscle. I'd suggest swimming and walking because they are gentle. Go ask an exercise expert or a doctor for specific details.

What are the benefits to heart and lung efficiency of rasing your heart rate through regular exercise?

How stupid are you, you don't even know that. lol

How do you tell muscle and fat apart?

You can easily tell muscle and fat apart by looking at them and touching the specific area of skin. Muscle is strong and hard, whereas fat is soft and flabby.

During exercise muscle cells use what?

During exercise muscle cells use oxygen.

What is the specific reason for muscle cramps that are caused due to the sudden physical exercise?

due to lack of oxygen

How do you excersice without building muscle short muscles that bulk easily how to train and not gain muscle mass?

The best way to exercise without building "short muscles" is swimming, running and other cardiovascular exercises. The best possible exercise for your joints, while toning your body is swimming.

Why is it important to eat protein after exercise?

To help in muscle recovery by rebuilding damaged muscle tissue from exercise

Is the ability of muscle to exert maximum force?

The ability of a muscle to exert maximum force is known as muscle strength. It is typically tested by measuring the maximum amount of force a muscle or muscle group can generate during a specific movement or exercise. Muscle strength is influenced by factors such as muscle size, recruitment of muscle fibers, and neural control.

Does muscle fibers brake down during exercise?

Yes. Strenuous exercise can kill the muscle fibers. Such muscle fibers are replaced by fibrous tissue.

How do you form muscle?
