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Q: What type of physical activity is washing the dishes?
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What type of physical activity is washing dishes?

light (your welcome)(date: 2/12/10) APEX(: Low/Light

An activity that does not increase your heart rate is consdered what type of physical activity?


What type of physical activity is biking?

It's an aerobic activity.

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What type of physical activity be aerobics class be?

Vigorous. :)

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is it moderate activity that makes you breathless but still can talk

Which term describes a physical activity that includes both cardio and strength training exercise?

Anaerobic and aerobic describes that type of physical activity.

What type of physical activity would aerobics class be?

Vigorous. :)

What type pf physical activity is soccer?

Soccer is an aerobic physical activity in which a person has to move his large muscles. In the case of soccer, the player has to use the large muscles in his legs. This type of physical activity also makes the heart beat faster and the lungs work harder.

Which term describes a physical activity that includes both cardio and strength-training exercises?

Anaerobic and aerobic describes that type of physical activity.

What type of physical activity is an aerobics class?

A type of activity that uses (mainly) your lungs and respiration, eg. long distance running, swimming.