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Hip extension

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Q: What type of movement takes place at the hip if the glutes contract concentrically?
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The bicep muscle relaxes. It is vice-versa when the bicep muscle contracts.

How does a normal voluntary muscle movement take place?

easy you contract anyone of your body's muscles either in your arm your leg etc.

Is the movement of people from place to place?

Migration is the movement of people from one place to another, often for reasons such as better job opportunities, education, or to escape conflict or persecution. It can be temporary or permanent and can occur within a country or across international borders.

You climbed up on a table and did the same exercise core did the only place you felt anything was in your glutes and your stomach felt like it was about to pop?

Yes. Yes.

What are some butt exercises?

Squats are great for your quads and glutes. Place you feet shoulder width apart and squat down keeping your back straight.

What is movement to place to place?


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People who move their residence from place to place are called __________________.

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the westward movement took place between 1775 to 1783

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the movement in china is a population of people in a place and there working

In 1919 which movement took place?

In 1919, the Muslim movement called the Khilafat movement took place. This was designed to protect the Ottoman Empire and influence British government.

How are contracts perfected?

Perfection or birth of the contract takes place when the parties agree upon the essential elements of the contract.

Condition precedent and subsequent?

Condition precedent is a term in a contract that means the parties do not have to perform under the contract until a certain event takes place. Condition subsequent means that a contract is in effect until a particular event takes place.