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Cardio is an important part of any exercise program, therefore it is recommended that you purchase some cardio equipment. A treadmill and an elliptical machine would be great choices. Brand is unimportant.

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Q: What type of indoor exercise equipment should I buy?
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The most effective type of exercise equipment is weights. Dumbells are thought to be for building muscles usually but in reality they are used for toning and fat burning. They are the best equipment possible for exercising from home.

What is the best piece of indoor expercise equipment ?

The effectiveness of the equipment truly depends on what type of body you have. If you suffer from bad joint a treadmill is bad for you. The best thing to do is to buy whatever your is suited to.

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A turbo trainer is an exercise equipment that allows you to ride a bicycle without it moving. They are used primarily to warm-up before you being a race as well as for personal fitness at home.

What other equipment should be part of a complete gym?

It depends on what type of workouts you are interested in. If building muscle is your goal, then weight training equipment like dumbbells should be sufficient to start with. If you want to add cardio or aerobic workouts, consider adding a treadmill or elliptical trainer, or exercise bike.