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Q: What sport comes from the greek language to exercise naked?
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What is the greek word for room for indoor sports?

gymnasium (literally: a place to exercise naked)

Why is a gymnasium called a gymnasium?

A gymnasium, or gym for short, is a place to exercise. In Ancient Greece, a gymnasium was a training ground for men to exercise physically as well as to socialize and exercise their minds by engaging in philosophical discussion. When men would exercise in Ancient Greece, they would do so naked to honor the Gods for creating man's body. The Greek adjective for "naked" is "gymnos". The Greek verb gymnazien means "to exercise". When Latin and English developed, they took the Greek roots and came up with "gymnasion", which eventually became the modern English "gymnasium".

What is the literal meaning of gymnasium?

The literal meaning of Gymnasium is "School for naked exercise for Men" coming from the Greek word Gymno meaning "Naked"

What is the Latin word for gym?

Gymnasium originates from the Greek root "gymno," which means naked. The Greeks used to exercise completely naked, such as during the ancient Olympic competitions, and eventually this term came to be used to describe the place where exercise occurred.

The word gymnasium comes from the Greek word gymnos which means what?

Gymnos means 'naked'

How many people exercise naked?

I am not sure how many people exercise naked. Most people that exercise naked stay in their home where it is private.

What does the prefix gymno mean?

"gymno-" is the greek prefix for "naked". In ancient Greece, men would usually perform athletic exercises or sports while they are naked. That is where we get the word "gymnasium." Literally, a place for naked exercise.

Does the word gymnastics come from the greek word naked?

Unfortunately, yes.Gymnastics is ultimately derived from the Ancient Greek word gymnos, "naked".That word became gymnazien "to exercise or train", or literally "to train naked". This in turn became gymnastikos"fond of or skilled in bodily exercise", and was translated into Latin as gymnasticus.Gymnastics, as we know it today, was actually known as gymnastic as early as the 1570s. In the 1650s, however, the revival of the classical -ikos Greek ending as -icsturned gymnastic into the modern gymnastics.

What is the origin of the word gymnasts?

gymnasts come from gymnastics which comes from the greek word "Gymnos" meaning naked

Is a seed plant that produces naked seeds?

Actually Pteridophytes are ferns and the like. They have spores. I think Gymnosperms is the term you're thinking of. It comes from the Greek for naked seed.

Where did gymnastics get its name from?

Gymnastics acually means "exercising naked" I know it sounds crazy but it's true. Back then gymnasts performed naked. And girls did not do gymnastics. In fact they weren't allowed in the arena. Eventually gymnastics changed and girls were allowed to do gymnastics in 1928. Now men did not want them to perform naked so they used leotards. Then they made things for boys to wear. Resource book: Going for the Gold by Leigh Olsen.

Why is gymnos the Greek word for naked?

Traditionally Greeks wrestled naked. They believed that this was a tribute to the Greek gods.