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Q: What muscles are worked with plank jacks?
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What is the antagonist for planks?

The antagonist for plank exercises are the muscles on the front of the body, particularly the muscles of the hips and abdomen, such as the hip flexors and rectus abdominis. These muscles work in opposition to the muscles engaged during a plank, which are predominantly the muscles of the back, core, and shoulders.

What muscles are used in plank?

A plank primarily engages the back, shoulder, and abdominal muscles. Most notably, these include the erector spinae, rectus abdominis, transverse abdominus, trapezius, pectorals, and deltoids.

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Flappy Jacks

What muscle does the plank work?

The traditional plank works out not only your abdominal area, but also your thighs and butt. :) A side plank does all that and works on the muscles in the arm supporting the plank.

Why are jumping-jacks good for your body?

Because they stretch and use most of the muscles in your body.

What muscles are worked on a treadmill?

Your use youe leg muscles

Where can I get a decent price on air jacks?

I got a Herkules air jack, which has worked out pretty well. Yahoo shopping has some great deals on Air Jacks.

How can you work out the rectus abdominis muscle?

The Transversalis abdominus can be worked out with tummy tuck, planks, plank with leg lifts and transverse pulls. The single most effective exercise to isolate this area is the stomach vacuum.

What do jumping jacks do for your body?

They strengthen your legs for the most part. It might possibly strengthen your core muscles for keeping your balance, but the effect would be minimal. Jumping jacks basically targets only your leg muscles.

What muscles are use in jumping jacks?

You use your quadriceps, hamstrings, gluts, abs, biceps, triceps, and obliques.

What muscles are bring worked during sit ups?

Abdominal muscles, among others.