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Q: What muscles are used in a bounding exercise?
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How is bounding used in a sentence?

The deer is bounding away from the cheetah.

What are muscle habits?

When muscles get used to doing an exercise a lot, and remember the exercise.

What muscles are used when using an exercise bike?

Using an exercise bike works your glutes and hip flexors, plus leg muscles.

What kind of exercise form has hopping and bounding and depth jumps?

Plyometric exercises

Muscles used in shuttle run?

Shuttle run is a type of exercise that is used mostly by athletes and coaches. The muscles this exercise uses is the rectus femoris; a quadricep muscle.

What muscles does the ball exercise strengthen?

The exercise ball will strengthen different muscles depending on how you use it. It's probably most popular and frequently used for an abdominal work out.

How does exercise keep muscles strong and joints flexible?

it keeps the muscles strong becuase they and allways being used if you exercise and the joints and flexible because they and always being moved about

What muscles does tire flipping do?

it is an exercise that uses uses muscles from all major muscles. Legs, back, core, chest, and arms are all used.

What muscles does the pec fly exercise work?

The muscles used in Pec Fly Exercise are the pectorals (Chest muscles) and deltoids (Shoulder muscles). If done properly and the right sized weight for your ability then you should feel the pulling in your chest and your shoulders.

What muscles are used in leg raises?

The muscles used in the leg press exercise are your Quads primarily. Hamstring gets a good work out too.

How do muscles get their strength?

Muscles get their strength from exercise.

What muscle groups can you work out with exercise bands?

With exercise bands, you can work out tons of muscles. Muscles that you can work out are arm muscles, leg muscles and back muscles. With leg muscles, you can work out the thighs, and calves muscles.