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MAINLY front delts and triceps, and to a lesser degree the pecs.

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13y ago

Primary Muscle: Chest

Secondary Muscles: Shoulders & Triceps

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Q: What muscle does chest press work?
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Do press ups increase chest muscle?

Press ups do increase chest muscle. When you're doing then it uses your pecks and the muscle above them.

The main muscle group Targeted in bench press is?


What is the mayor muscle used in the chest press?

if you mean bench press, then that is deltoids, triceps, and pectorals (or chest)

What is the fastest way to gain chest muscle?

lots of reps. of push ups everyday, chest press machine, or bench press would work too..... for push ups at least 20-30 (or more, depends how many you can do) of them everyday and then increase the number when you feel comfortable..... chest press and bench press are up to you when determining the weight and reps.

You work out your chest 3 times a week you do bench press incline bench decline bench and flys However your chest will not form and get bigger What can you do to form your chest and make it bigger?

your doing the right exercises but you should only work those chest muscles twice a week and you want to lift heavy weight to promote muscle growth.

The decline Press is a muscular exercise that primarily works which muscle group?

Primarily the lower chest muscles

What is the insertion of the primary muscle use in dumbbell inclined bench chest press?

pecs triceps anterior delts

Which muscle does power press work out?

Power press works your upper back and your traps.

What muscle does lawn mower work?

Mowing the lawn works triceps and your chest.

Which muscle is most at work in the up phase of a push-up?

chest and shoulders.

Machine Back Press work which muscle?

triceps, shoulders

When will your chest and shoulders broaden?

If you could do just one chest exercise to carve out a set of pecs that you see on the statue of a Greek god, the Hulk or a mythological beast, it would be chest dips. Not the bench press, not pushups, and certainly not dumbbell flys. Chest dips work the entire upper body and really give you that hormonal boost you need to grow muscle, tone your chest, and lose those "man boobs." They work your arms, your shoulders, your chest, and your upper back.