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the gluteals

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Q: What mucsle moves the thigh backwards?
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What does it mean when a guy moves his head from resting on your knee higher to you thigh then your pelvis?

When a guy moves his head from resting on your knee higher to you thigh, then your pelvis, he is being suggestive, and stop him if you are uncomfortable with it.

Why are you thrown backwards in a bus when it moves?

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What muscle swings your thigh backwards?

The function of the gluteus maximus (G-max) is primarily upper leg (thigh) extension, such as moving the upper leg backward as in rising from a squat position.

Can cardiac mucsle be tetanised?


Is backwards a common noun?

"Backwards" is an adverb, not a common noun. It is used to describe the direction in which something moves or faces.

What moves backwards and forwards but doesn't go anywhere?

A swing!

What bird can only move backwards?

no bird can only move backwards! only a hummingbird has the ability to move backwards but it also moves forwards and left to right!

Are all fish all mucsle?


What is the strongest mucsle of your body?


Is brain a mucsle?

Only on Wikianswers.

What moves backwards and forwards in sound?

The atoms of the particular medium in which the sound is produced moves backward and forwards in sound.

What is the function of Adductor longus?

Adductor longus is a muscle in the inner thigh that primarily functions to adduct the thigh, meaning it moves the thigh towards the midline of the body. It also assists in flexing the thigh at the hip joint.