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Q: What mandatory action should be taken prior to an elderly persons starting an individual exercise program?
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Should the elderly get a doctors approval before starting an elderly exercise program?

Yes, the elderly get a doctor's approval before starting an elderly exercise program. A doctor knows best whether the elderly patient is in correct physical condition to exercise.

Is water exercise only for elderly people?

NO, water exercise is not only for elderly people. many middle age people choose water exercise along with new mothers and their children, it can be good exercise and helps muscle development.

Is there aerobic equipment for the elderly?

Yes, there is equipment that can be used in and out of the water that will be able to help the elderly exercise.

Are vestibular exercises safe for the elderly?

It is not safe for elderly to do the vestibular exercise. the age range where it is safe to do this exercise is below 45. Also it can resuly in serious health issues if younger people are also not taking care while doing the exercise

Where can we find information about a exercise routine suitable for elderly ladies?

There a lot of community center that provide exercise routine for the elderly. In all of them, will require a permission slip from your mother's doctor. Additional, you can always contact a rehabilitation center, where they have specially trained staff fro elderly patients.

What are 4 letter words starting with L And relates to the elderly?

The elderly are late in their live. Many elderly individuals need a wheelchair because they are lame.

How important is it for the elderly to exercise?

It's very important for the elderly to exercise regularly to maintain their physical health, improve mobility, prevent chronic diseases, and reduce the risk of falls. Exercise also helps with mental well-being, promoting cognitive function and reducing feelings of depression and anxiety. It's essential for overall quality of life as we age.

How do the elderly feel about new computers?

It depends on the individual person. Some elderly people find computers intimidating, some learn how to use them.

What is the word gerobic?

Gerobics is exercise for the elderly. Exercises that increases or maintains theelderly's mobility and flexibility.

Which are the best mattresses for elderly people?

A firmer mattress will make it easier for the elderly to sit up in bed and exit. Individual comfort must be weighted against this advantage.

What age are you considered elderly?

Elderly is typically defined as a person who is 65 years or older. However, this classification can vary based on cultural and societal norms, as well as individual health and functional status.

What is something that falls on the floor and is two words starting with E and W?

Elderly woman.