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The squat works many muscles in the body in some form. The primary movers are the hamstrings, quads, and glutes. Assuming you are doing them correctly with your knees out and squatting below parallel, you should be using your hip adductors as well.

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Q: What major muscle is being worked while performing squats?
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What is a synergist muscle?

It's an auxiliary muscle. For example, if you are doing squats, your hamstrings are an auxiliary muscle group; they work together with your quads and buttocks, which are the primary muscles being worked. .

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multiple joints are being used. 2 exactly.

How many lunges or squats should you do a day for urgent leg and butt muscle build up?

Do as many as it takes to create muscle failure. Muscle failure is the sensations of not being able to do any more of a particular task. You should feel like rubber when done. The key to building muscle is not in doing the task every day. Your body builds muscle during rest, not during exercise. YOu must work the muscle groups to exhaustion(aka failure) then give them a minimum of 48 hours rest before resuming the exercise. Muscle building occurs during REST. To build bulky muscles quickly you need to do lower reps with higher weights. Doing a 100 lunges everyday is not as effective as 20 squats with 70% of max weight with a 48 hour rest. Again, muscle building occurs during REST.

When performing a bicep curl what is the synergist muscle?

The agonist being the biceps brachii group. The two synergist muscles that assist the biceps brachiiare the brachialis and to a lesser extent the brachioradialis.

How did Avril lavigne become a celebrity?

By singing, Avril lavigne worked her way up, from performing at low profile gigs, to being on television. Becoming a celebrity, and being one is no easy task, and only the best get famous. :)

How many days will it take for your buttocks to grow if you do 100 squats a day?

If you do that many sqauts you but will be rounder but it will not really be fat. I have been searching the internet to find something to make my booty bigger I've found it. The website is The site looks cheesy & the order took 2 weeks to arrive but it was well worth it, & it was cheap. My booty grew 3 inches in one month all around. That doesn't sound like a lot but look at a ruler. Plus the exercises & foods to eat are all natural. These foods will give you the hormones that creates a bigger butt. When you have the size you want stop the program. You can control your body. WWW.DIMEADOZEN.MYEWEB.NET A long time if you do squats every day! To build muscle one must have a minimum of 24 to 48 hours after weight lifting. Muscles are built during rest, not during exercise. The exercise sends biochemical signals to the brain and elsewhere to build muscle. But, muscle cannot be built if it is being exerted. You will likely lose weight by doing 100 squats a day, but muscle building will be very slow and you may even catabolize muscle resulting in a loss! Additionally, you must be sure to consume enough calories and protein to build that muscle. This coupled with your genetic makeup will influence how large and how fast those muscles will build. Furthermore, bulk in muscle is gained by doing fewer slow, heavy sets, not 100, but closer to 8-12 reps, 2-3 sets every two to three days. The last rep should result in muscle failure, i.e. you will have the feeling that you cannot go another set even if your life depended on it. It does not mean you will cause injury. It is this muscle failure that sends the signals to build more muscle. 100 squats as opposed to 20 -30 squats with breaks in between, will actually cause something called muscle endurance. It will make your muscles capable of doing many squats, but the muscles won't be any bigger.

When doing squats what muscle is being used?

The squat works many muscles in the body in some form. The primary movers are the hamstrings, quads, and glutes. Assuming you are doing them correctly with your knees out and squatting below parallel, you should be using your hip adductors as well.

What exercise is best for muscle 1 type fibers?

The type one muscle fibers are characterized as being the slow twitch oxidative muscle fibers. They contract slowly, they have the highest tolerance to fatigue as compared to the other types of muscle fibers, and there main fuel source tends to be triglycerides. This being said the best way to train this type of muscle fiber would be with low intensity endurance type exercises, such as jogging a long distance, or walking, or performing 50 push ups vs. 8 reps on the bench press.