'Fatigue' is defined as follows:
1) an unpleasant feeling of weakness or tiredness caused by working, stress or lack of sleep
2) menial work assigned to soldiers not engaged in war or training
3) the clothes worn by soldiers not engaged in war or training but performing menial work such as cleaning the barracks
4) the deterioration of a material, such as metal, when subjected to repeated or excessive stress
Fatigue is a feeling of weariness, tiredness, or lack of energy.
Alternative NamesTiredness; Weariness; Exhaustion; Lethargy
ConsiderationsFatigue is different from drowsiness. In general, drowsiness is feeling the need to sleep, while fatigue is a lack of energy and motivation. Drowsiness and apathy (a feeling of indifference or not caring about what happens) can be symptoms that go along with fatigue.
Fatigue can be a normal and important response to physical exertion, emotional stress, boredom, or lack of sleep. However, it can also be a nonspecific sign of a more serious psychological or physical disorder. When fatigue is not relieved by enough sleep, good nutrition, or a low-stress environment, it should be evaluated by your doctor. Fatigue is a common symptom, and is usually not due to a serious disease.
The pattern of fatigue may help your doctor determine its underlying cause. For example, if you wake up in the morning rested but rapidly develop fatigue with activity, you may have an ongoing physical condition like an underactive thyroid. On the other hand, if you wake up with a low level of energy and have fatigue that lasts throughout the day, you may be depressed.
Common CausesThere are many possible physical and psychological causes of fatigue. Some of the more common are:
Fatigue can also accompany the following illnesses:
Certain medications may also cause drowsiness or fatigue, including antihistamines for Allergies, blood pressure medicines, sleeping pills, steroids, and diuretics.
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a condition that starts with flu-like symptoms and lasts for 6 months or more. All other possible causes of fatigue are eliminated before this diagnosis is made. Most people with CFS do not get much relief from rest.
Home CareHere are some tips for reducing fatigue:
If you have chronic pain or depression, treating either often helps the fatigue. However, some antidepressant medications may cause or worsen fatigue. Your medication may have to be adjusted to avoid this problem. DO NOT stop or change any medications without instruction from your doctor.
Stimulants (including caffeine) are NOT effective treatments for fatigue, and can actually make the problem worse when the drugs are stopped. Sedatives also tend to worsen fatigue in the long run.
Call your health care provider ifCall your doctor right away if:
Call your doctor if:
Your doctor will perform a complete physical examination, paying special attention to your heart, lymph nodes, thyroid, and nervous system. You will be asked questions about your medical history, symptoms, and your lifestyle, habits, and feelings.
Questions may include:
Tests that may be performed include the following:
Gonzalez R. Common Syndromes. In McPhee SJ, Papadakis MA, and Tierney, Jr. LM, eds. Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment 2007. New York: McGraw-Hill; 2007.
Griggs RC, Jozefowicz RF, Aminoff MJ. Approach to the patient with neurologic disease. In: Goldman L, Ausiello D, eds. Cecil Medicine. 23rd ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders Elsevier;2007: chap 418.
Bennett B, Goldstein D, Friedlanger M, Hickie I, Lloyd A. The experience of cancer-related fatigue and chronic fatigue syndrome: a qualitative and comparative study. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2007; May e-pub.
Fatigue is a feeling of weariness, tiredness, or lack of energy.
Alternative NamesTiredness; Weariness; Exhaustion; Lethargy
ConsiderationsFatigue is different from drowsiness. In general, drowsiness is feeling the need to sleep. Fatigue is a lack of energy and motivation. Drowsiness and apathy (a feeling of not caring about what happens) can be symptoms that go along with fatigue.
Fatigue can be a normal and important response to physical exertion, emotional stress, boredom, or lack of sleep. However, it can also be a sign of a more serious mental or physical condition. When fatigue is not relieved by enough sleep, good nutrition, or a low-stress environment, it should be evaluated by your doctor. Fatigue is a common symptom, and it is usually not due to a serious disease.
The pattern of fatigue may help your doctor determine its cause. For example, if you wake up in the morning rested but quickly develop fatigue with activity, you may have a condition such as an underactive thyroid. On the other hand, if you wake up with a low level of energy and have fatigue that lasts throughout the day, you may be depressed.
Common CausesThere are many possible causes of fatigue, including:
Fatigue can also occur with the following illnesses:
Certain medications may also cause drowsiness or fatigue, including antihistamines for allergies, blood pressure medicines, sleeping pills, steroids, and diuretics.
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a condition that starts with flu-like symptoms and lasts for 6 months or more. It is diagnosed after all other possible causes of fatigue are ruled out. Most people with CFS do not get much relief from rest.
Home CareHere are some tips for reducing fatigue:
If you have chronic pain or depression, treating it often helps the fatigue. However, some antidepressant medications may cause or worsen fatigue. Your medication may have to be adjusted to avoid this problem. DO NOT stop or change any medications without first talking to your doctor.
Stimulants (including caffeine) are NOT effective treatments for fatigue. They can actually make the problem worse when the drugs are stopped. Sedatives also tend to worsen fatigue in the long run.
Call your health care provider ifCall your doctor right away if:
Call your doctor if:
Your doctor will perform a complete physical examination, paying special attention to your heart, lymph nodes, thyroid, abdomen, and nervous system. You will be asked questions about your medical history, symptoms, and your lifestyle, habits, and feelings.
Questions may include:
Tests that may be done include the following:
Bennett RM. Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. In: Goldman L, Ausiello D, eds. Cecil Medicine. 23rd ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders Elsevier;2007: chap 295.
Griggs RC, Jozefowicz RF, Aminoff MJ. Approach to the patient with neurologic disease. In: Goldman L, Ausiello D, eds. Cecil Medicine. 23rd ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders Elsevier;2007: chap 418.
Robinson JA, Preston DC, Shapiro BE. Proximal, distal, and generalized weakness. In: Bradley WG, Daroff RB, Fenichel GM, Jankovic J, eds. Bradley Neurology in Clinical Practice. 5th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Butterworth Heinemann Elsevier; 2008:chap 27.
Reviewed ByReview Date: 05/29/2011
David C. Dugdale, III, MD, Professor of Medicine, Division of General Medicine, Department of Medicine, University of Washington School of Medicine. Also reviewed by David Zieve, MD, MHA, Medical Director, A.D.A.M., Inc.
exhausted, tired
Fatigue is a synonym for tiredness and similar words. And you can reverse that and say that tiredness is a synonym for fatigue, too.Synonyms are words with similar meanings. No two are exactly the same, but all are close enough in meaning that you often can exchange one for another in a sentence to vary the prose, or shade meaning.Fatigue is a synonym for these words and more, depending on context: lethargy, weakness, weariness, debility, dullness, enervation, ennui, exhaustion, faintness, feebleness, heaviness, languor, lassitude, listlessness, brain fogAnd each of those terms is a synonym for fatigue, too.
The Tagalog word for fatigue is "pagod."
"Word for word" is a synonym for verbatim.
The antonym of the word 'synonym' is 'antonym'.
"Alternate word" is a noun-phrase that is kind of a synonym for the word "synonym. There is no one exact word that means the same as synonym.
"Alternate word" is a noun-phrase that is kind of a synonym for the word "synonym. There is no one exact word that means the same as synonym.
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Another name for the word synonym is poecilonym.
A synonym is a word that has an identical or very similar meaning to another word. As freshwaterbiome is not a word it does not have a synonym.