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Q: What is the significance of arms buildup?
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The Reagan administration committed the US to a?

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Eisenhower and Dulles preferred to use to deal with threats abroad?

Buildup of nuclear arms

What did Reagan launch the largest peacetime buildup of in American history?

The arms race with the USSR.

What were the tactics Eisenhower and Dulles preferred to use to deal with threats abroad?

buildup of nuclear arms

What is the agreement to limit missile buildup?

That agreement is called SALT. Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty.

Color significance on a coat of arms?

The significance of color in a coat of arms varies with the particular coat of arms, its history, the region of the world in which it was used, and the period in history in which it was created.

Arms Race?

The buildup of arms was also a characteristic of the Cold War between the U.S. and the Soviet Union, though the development of nuclear weapons changed the stakes for the par.

What best describes the tactics eisenhower and dulles preferred to use the deal with threats aboard?

Buildup of nuclear arms

What is the significance of Charlemagnes coat of arms?

It is split in half and the eagle represents Rome

What is the significance of Charlemagne's coat of arms?

It is split in half and the eagle represents Rome

How do you buildup muscles in your arms?

Lifting weights or going rock climbing are the esiest ways to build up muscles in your arm.