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Around 30-90 minutes of moderate intensity cardiovascular exercise a day, 5 or more days of the week, is recommended by the American Heart Association for weight loss.

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13y ago

It varies on the individual. But I would say a good half hour to an hour a day of exercise along with proper diet. You can though get away with 15 minutes a day.

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Q: What is the recommended amount of exercise per week for a 26 year old to lose weight?
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How many minutes of exercise are recommended per day?

AwnserOnly 30 Minutes a Day.An hour To Lose weight.

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Would you lose weight if you exercise one time a week?

You would lose a small amount of weight, very small. I would recommend you to toss in a diet as well.

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Horseback riding is a form of exercise and, like all forms of exercise, it is possible to lose weight. It you're also mucking out stalls, throwing hale bales, carrying water buckets, etc. in the barn you will be getting even more exercise and be more likely to lose weight. Remember that there are two parts to losing weight: the amount you exercise (physical activity), and the amount you eat. You can exercise all you want, but if you're eating too much it won't make any difference.

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Depends on lots of factors - current weight, amount of exercise you do, height..