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need balls of steel.. as far as i know man..

Spent last couple of hours searhing for the same. If you know anything please post it here again. :)

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There are no qualifications as such needed to climb Mount Everest but it would be very wise to have had a lot of high altitude climbing experience and lots of money to be able to afford it.

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Q: What is the physical fitness requirements for climbing Mt.Everest?
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Which aspect of physical fitness reduces your risk of injury while performing chores such as climbing ladders or carting packages downstairs?

Balance and coordination of physical fitness reduces your risk of injury while performing chores such as climbing ladders or carrying packages downstairs.

What are the physical requirements to be a nurse in the National Guard?

The physical requirements for nurses in the US Army is the same for all US soldiers: you must be able to pass the Physical Fitness Test.

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The physical requirements for Army ROTC generally include meeting the Army's height and weight standards, passing a physical fitness test, and demonstrating adequate physical fitness through activities like push-ups, sit-ups, and a timed run. Additionally, candidates should possess good physical health, endurance, and agility.

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What are the requirements for military Fitness?

Inquire your local government authority on the requirements for military Fitness. They have camps and assessment tests for new recruits and veterans to do to establish your level of physical endurance, activity and Fitness. Some courses vary.

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What to do to get in the army?

First of all, you need to pass the requirements to serve in the Army. The enlistment standards covers these subjects: Age, Citizenship, Education, Aptitude, Physical Fitness, Dependency Status, Moral Character, etc. To view the enlistment standards, you must have Acrobat Reader installed on your computer. Once you have Acrobat Reader, you can view the enlistment standards. The enlistment standards doesn't get specific regarding physical fitness. If you have any questions about the physical fitness standards, feel free to to ask me at the forum. If you want to see the actual document the Army uses for physical fitness standards, you can download the Medical Fitness Standards. Visit the Army Standards page to see the weight requirements, as well as the physical fitness test requirements.

What is fitness requirements?

fitness requirements are the skills an athlete needs

What fitness equipment acts like climbing a ladder?

orbitrac‬‏ :)

What. Are the requirements to join the police training academy?

High School Diploma/GED, pass physical fitness exam

What is the different of physical fitness and fitness?

physical fitness is when you are physical or using your body.Fitness is anything including being fit.

What are the challenges of climbing himalays?

There are many challenges you face when climbing a mountain in the Himalayas.The weatherLack of oxygenYour fitness/healthYour climbing experienceThe altitude