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It is a tool used to assess part of the nervous system.

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Q: What is the importance of reflex hammer?
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What is the doctor's hammer called?

Reflex hammer.

What is the instrument used by the doctor to test knee reflex?

The instrument used by a doctor to test knee reflex is a reflex hammer. The doctor will tap the patellar tendon just below the kneecap with the reflex hammer to elicit a reflex response, which helps assess the function of the nerves and spinal cord.

What is the proper name for the hammer a doctor uses to test your reflex?

The proper name for the hammer a doctor uses to test your reflex is just "reflex hammer". It is a medical instrument used by physicians to test deep tendon reflexes and is an important part of a neurological physical examination.

When was the first reflex hammer made that resembles the ones we see in use today and who made it?

The modern reflex hammer is referred to as a Tomahawk or Taylor reflex hammer and was designed by John Taylor in 1888. That is the most well known one in the US. There is also the Babinski reflex hammer and it was developed in 1912 by Joseph Babinski and it is often seen in neurological settings.

What test makes use of a special hammer?

The test that makes use of a special hammer is the reflex hammer test. It is used to check the reflexes in various parts of the body by tapping the tendon with the hammer to observe the muscle's response.

What instrument is used to test knee reflex?

It is a tomahawk-shaped rubber instrument used to test reflexes in order to determine if an individual's nerve reflexes are functioning properly. There is no specialized name for this instrument, though it is commonly referred to as a mallet.

What is a patella hammer?

A reflex hammer is the triangular rubber-headed mallet with which your knee is struck during a physical exam.

Where can one purchase a reflex hammer?

You can purchase a reflex hammer at medical supply stores, online retailers like Amazon, or pharmacies that carry medical instruments.

Does a Deep tendon reflexes are tested with a reflex hammer used to strike a joint?

Yes, deep tendon reflexes are tested with a reflex hammer, which is used to strike a tendon directly. This action stretches the muscle attached to the tendon, leading to a reflex contraction that is then assessed for strength and speed.

Is a deep tendon reflex tested with a reflex hammer striking a joint?

no you should not strike the joint ,but as the name suggest we should strike the tendon

What is the effector involved the patellar reflex?

In order to provoke the patellar reflex one must strike the patellar tendon with a tendon hammer (and only a tendon hammer, striking with an ordinary hammer is ill-advised). In other words, strike the region immediately below the patella.

Which of the following tests makes use of a special hammer?

The test that makes use of a special hammer is the neurological examination test known as the reflex hammer test. This test is used to assess deep tendon reflexes by tapping on specific areas on the body with the hammer.