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Q: What is the error range of a vo2 max test?
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What is the difference between vo2 max and vo2 peak?

The difference between VO2 max and VO2 peak is what the values represent. VO2 max represents the highest running oxygen amount achievable during a high intensity test. V02 peak represents the maximum value that can be reached without having it raised by a boost.

Indirect methods of determining vo2 max?

Indirect methods of vo2 max measurement, work on the idea that you extrapolate data collected to make an informed guess at where an individuals Vo2 max lies. It is not as a true of a value if a direct method was used (e.g. gas analysis) These tests are all submaximal (heart rate must not exceed 80% of max hr (220-age)), if heart rate passes out of the submaximal range the test must be determinated) examples of this are the astrand rhyming cycle ergometer test, the chester step test and YMCA cycle ergometer test.

What component of fitness does lung capacity test?

VO2 Max The Volume that the lungs can process

What is the difference between vo2 max and pvo2 max?

VO2 max refers to the maximum rate of oxygen consumption during intense exercise, indicating cardiovascular fitness. PVO2 max, on the other hand, stands for peak oxygen uptake and usually refers to the highest oxygen consumption a person can achieve, typically during a specific test or activity. Both measures assess aerobic capacity.

What is max VO2?

VO2 max is the maximum amount of oxygen taken in and transported to the working muscles to produces energy

Is lebron James vo2 max higher than Michael Phelps vo2 max?

It is very likely that James Vo2 max is higher than Michael Phelps when measured on treadmill, but, while swimming Michael Phelps VO2 max will be higher. VO2 max is affected by many factors like training, efficiency, age, test protocols, athlete's training cycle period, sickness, etc. However, due to the nature of swim training - typically 4-5 hours a day plus dry-land training, plus Michael's genetic makeup and years of training every single day- it is most likely that Michael Phelps VO2 max shall be higher than James.

Which method of determining exercise intensity correlates directly to 60 percent - 80 percent of your VO2 max?

The method of exercise intensity based on a percentage of your VO2 max that directly correlates to 60 percent - 80 percent of your max VO2 is called the "percentage of VO2 max method." This method uses a moderate to vigorous intensity level that falls within the 60-80% range of your maximum oxygen consumption. It is commonly used in setting target heart rate zones for aerobic exercise.

Where can I buy a vo2 max calculator online?

A vo2 max calculator can best be found on websites like ebay and amazon. Not only will you find reputable vo2 max calculator stockists, but also be able to save money by ckecking the prices.

What is Lance Armstrong VO2 max lungs oxygen burning capacity?

Armstrong's VO2 max was reported at 85 ml/kg/min

Where can I find out what my vo2 max is?

You can find out what your vo2 max is in many different places. There are various websites dedicated to finding these numbers for a more effective workout.

What is christiano ronaldo's vo2max?

Athletes use the VO2 max test to prove fitness levels it is a fitness test which is completed by measuring the maximum amount of oxygen that your body uses during maximum exercise for a period of a minute. Cristiano Ronaldo is rumored to have a VO2 max test result of 75ml (football clubs don't officially produce these test results) he average male scores 35-40ml.

Where can I found out what my vo2 max is?

Try out this site: They will have everything you need to know about vo2.