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Q: What is the energy that finds the center of an object?
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What factors do the gravitational potential energy stored between an object and earth depends on?

The gravitational potential energy between an object and the Earth depends on the mass of the object, the acceleration due to gravity, and the distance between the object and the Earth's center. This potential energy is stored in the object because of its position in the Earth's gravitational field.

Is the gravotational potential energy more less or unchanged when the CG of an object is raised?

The gravitational potential energy increases when the center of gravity of an object is raised, as the object has been lifted against gravity. The potential energy is directly proportional to the height of the center of gravity above a reference point, such as the ground.

When calculating gravitational potential energy you must use?

the distance between the object and the center of the Earth

What portion of the total kinetic energy of a rolling object is translational energy?

If an object is rolling without slipping, then its kinetic energy can be expressed as the sum of the translational kinetic energy of its center of mass plus the rotational kinetic energy about the center of mass. The angular velocity is of course related to the linear velocity of the center of mass, so the energy can be expressed in terms of either of them as the problem dictates, such as in the rolling of an object down an incline. Note that the moment of inertia used must be the moment of inertia about the center of mass. If it is known about some other axis, then theparallel axis theorem may be used to obtain the needed moment of inertia.

Why Does the more mass an object has the more potential energy it has?

The potential energy of an object is related to its mass because the gravitational force acting on the object is proportional to its mass. As the mass of an object increases, the force pulling it towards the center of the Earth also increases, leading to greater potential energy due to the increased work done to move the object against gravity.

What is the center of the mass of an object?

The center of mass of an object is the point at which its mass can be considered to be concentrated. It is the average position of all the mass in the object. It is the point around which the object will balance in any orientation.

When you lift an object energy is transferred to an object which gives the object?

When you lift an object, you are transferring energy in the form of work done against gravity. This added energy gives the object potential energy, which is stored energy due to its position relative to the earth's surface.

Is the energy that flows from a hot object to a cold object it is in contact with is called kinetic energy?

No, the energy that flows from a hot object to a cold object is called heat energy. Kinetic energy is the energy of motion of an object.

Why will the center of gravity always swing underneath its support point?

Because at that position, the object has the least potential energy. Objects tend to go to positions where they have less energy.

Can an object have two center of gravity?

No. The center is the center.