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The difference between physically fit and unfit is calculated using a person's BMI. Body Mass Index is calculated by comparing a person's height to their weight. A BMI of 18 to 25 is considered normal and physically fit. A score lower than 18 or higher than 25 is considered unfit.

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Q: What is the difference between physically fit and unfit?
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What are differences between fit and unfit people?

unfit people sit on the couch and do nothing fit people run and play lots of sports

Should an aerobic instructor be physically fit?

An aerobic instructor does not have to be physically fit to teach a good class. The instructor could look unfit if they recently recovered from an illness or had unexpected weight gain due to factors not controllable by diet and exercise.

What are some illnesses related to not being physically fit?

ilnesses from being unfit can be type 2 diabeties or you could suffer from a heart attack

What is the deffirence between physical fitness and physically fit?

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Who are normally physically fit between boys and girls?

boys are normally physically fit than girls cause boys normally do alot of physical work.

How fit should a person be?

unfit 455

Physically fit people will have fit children?

No, physically fit parents will not always sire physically fit children. This depends somewhat on your definition of "fitness" however fitness is generally taken to mean the level of endurance for physical tasks and is improved by training. If the parents do lots of exercise they will become more physically fit, but their children may or may not exercise and so may or may not be physically fit. Children brought up in a houshold where people generally exercise will be more likely to take part in exercise and therefore be physically fit. This is a case of nature verses nurture. The best way to think of it is that an adopted child brought up in an exercising houshold is likely to be fit however the child of fit parents brought up in a couch potatoe houshold is likely to be unfit. The fitness is causes by exercise not by genetics.

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What is the difference between physical fitness and a sports talent test?

a physical fitness test test how physically fit you are or how good of shape you are in where a sports talent test tests how good at a certain sport you are.

What is the difference between a trend line and a line of best fit and how are they useful in analyzing data?

What is the difference between a trend line and a line of best fit

What are antonym words for the word unfit?

Fit, proper, acceptable

Can a mother be considered unfit if she and her kids move in with her boyfriend?

This is not considered an unfit mother. Where a mother lives is not anything that makes a mother fit or unfit. A mother who is a drug addict or an alcoholic that is drunk all the time is an unfit mother.