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The flow or blood

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Q: What is the blood flow in the body?
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Related questions

What is the flow of blood through your heart and around your body called?

Circulation of the blood

What does the process of blood flow with your body called?

blood flow is called circulation

What does blood flow inside?

the body

What is the blood flow through the body controlled by?

THe blood flow is controlled by the brain. Please recomend me.

How does the blood flow throughout the body?

Your heart pumps your blood, carrying blood cells, throughout the body.

What are the three major circuits of the blood?

Systemic circuit- blood flow in the body Coronary circuit- blood flow in the heart Pulmonary circuit - blood flow in the lungs

What builds up in the body if blood does not flow out of the capillaries?

Blood clot

What builds up in the body if blood does flow out of the capillaries?

Blood clot

Does blood flow more on one side of the body than the other?

Blood flow is generally balanced on both sides of the body due to the interconnected network of arteries and veins. However, blood flow can vary in different areas depending on factors like activity levels, posture, and the distribution of blood vessels. Overall, the body's circulatory system works to maintain a consistent blood flow throughout the body.

If the cause of erections is blood flow why do you not have a constant erection?

Erections are not constant because the body has mechanisms that regulate blood flow to the penis. When you are not sexually aroused, blood flow to the penis is restricted by the contraction of blood vessels, preventing a continuous erection. Erections occur in response to sexual stimulation when these blood vessels relax, allowing increased blood flow to the penis.

What controls the blood flow throughout the body?

The blood flow throughout the body is primarily controlled by the autonomic nervous system, which consists of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. These systems regulate blood vessel constriction and dilation to adjust blood flow based on the body's needs. Hormones such as adrenaline and noradrenaline also play a role in controlling blood flow through their effects on blood vessels.

How blood flows inside your body?

The heart pumps blood rapidly, letting it flow through the body.