Weight Training.
The best chest workout routine for guys to do to get rid of moobs is to work on your pecs. You can build muscle to get rid of the fat that is your moobs.
A good chest workout is to do bench presses. I think it's the best choice for working out your chest muscles. Good luck and have fun working out.
There are many good MMA workout routines. If your boyfriend is really interested there are MMA gyms he can visit and find a routine that he likes and suits him best.
The best workout routine for preparing for a marathon are at the following sites online www.fitnessmagazine.com/workout/running/training-schedules/ , and this site www.shape.com/fitness/training-plans/your-step-step-half-marathon-t .
Squats and lunges are the best exercises to work your glutes and get quick results.
One of the best 10 minute workout routines allows you to burn 100 calories. You can read all about this workout routine by going to the following website: http://exercise.about.com/od/cardioworkouts/l/aaburncalories.htm
When you do the Dwayne Johnson workout there is a site that has both the diet nag workout listed. Here is the web sites for you to checkout muscleandbrawn.com/the-rock-Dwayne-Johnson's-workout-routine-di...
Free workout videos are a great way to change you routine and the best thing is they are free. Try to find some here at this web site: www.women-workout-routines.com/free-workout-routines.html.
There are numerous websites that offer weekly workout routines and some of them are free. The website I have provided offers free weekly workout routines: www.muscleandstrength.com/workouts/main.html
Here is the best pre work out video I have found. http://www.5min.com/Video/Pre-Workout-Warm-Up-Exercise-Routine-179900496 This is an easy start up work out to get you blood flowing and your muscles warmed up which are the two most important things to do before a work out to prevent yourself from getting hurt.
Aerobics will be good for a 10 minute workout. It will burn fats and all your muscles will be used in the said workout. It is also good for cardiovascular exercise.