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You need to study why and how the body works. There are factors such as intake- or what kind of intake, exercise-what kind. ETC. Nutrition and exercise are the keys. First of all, your Body Mass Index is 21.3, which is perfectly healthy. 18.5 or lower is underweight and 25-29.9 is overweight and 30 or above is obese. Second, it doesn't matter how much you weigh what matters is your body fat percentage which you can usually have calculated at a local gym, considering your age talk to a parent about getting this done, there are also ways to do it at home but you'll have to order the measuring tools online usually. Third, it is not recommended for boys or girls under the age of 15 to do weight training because your bodies aren't developed enough to handle the strain, supposedly, I started working out after someone at school made a comment. I have been working out since I was 14. The only way to lose fat in one specific area is to lose fat all over which can be done with a good aerobic workout. Workouts should last between 20 -30 minutes and can include, running, walking, jumping rope, swimming, anything that gets your heart rate up and you enjoy. A good way to stay in shape, especially at your age is to join a sport at school. I loved soccer and swimming. It was a great way to make friends, boost my confidence and best of all it kept me in great shape. Make sure you are eating right too. You should be eating 5 or 6 small meals a day. For example: Breakfast might be A bowl of oatmeal with an apple and a glass of milk, have a small meal 2-3 hours later, maybe an apple and some string cheese, lunch should be 2-3 hours after this and should include a portion of lean protein like chicken or fish as many vegetables as you want and some sort of carb, like a roll. Have another snack in a couple of hours, I like 1 cup of cottage cheese with some sort of fruit yogurt. Dinner should be similar to lunch and you can always have dessert. The most important thing is portion size. One portion of meat is usually about the size of your fist. Well this answer is getting kind of long, so the most important thing is how much you weigh shouldn't affect how you feel about your image. I wish I would have worried about it less when I was your age, there were so many other more fun things I could be doing like swimming, shopping, playing with my friends... Weight shouldn't rule your life at any age, so long as you eat right and stay active you don't have to woory about manageing your weight 24/7 and you'll have a lot more time to have fun and do the things you really love. If your really want to pursue the weight thing, I would suggest talking to your parents or a friend's parent, maybe even your gym teacher about your concerns, let them know that they are real concerns and you would like some help researching. My favorite book was Bill Phillips' Body for life, plus it's something your parents can get in on if they want to. Hope this helped.

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15y ago

I'm not very good with the whole work out plan thing and what not, but out of personal experience don't waste your time on sit ups/crunches etc..really focus on cardio. Meaning, a lot of running, biking, stair climbing. Depending on where you live - take advantage of the weather! I live in Canada and it's really snowy for many months so I need to get a gym membership to stay on top of that. If you live more south, run outside, bike with friends etc. These results wont show up over night don't forget! I think you should run 20-30 minutes almost everday if you can. It's normal if you can't run that length of time at a time..start slow and work your way up, you'll get better. Just don't give up!

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14y ago

Abdominal crunches and leg raise to build muscle in that area.

Running to lose the weight itself. Even if you build a great six pack, you won't be able to see them under fat. Eat less food, do more running or walking and do the ab crunches. Give it about 8 weeks to see results, train abs every day, run 3-4 times a week.

It worked for me when I was your age

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13y ago

Run & play with your friends. A child doesn't need any type of workout, unless its muscle definition.

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