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Early diagnosis and a mapped out treatment plan are crucial for curing plantar fasciitis. If treatment is delayed or inadequate in the initial stages of the condition, the condition can take nearly 18 months or more to be fully healed. Nonetheless by sticking to a properly mapped out treatment plan and merging some of the individual treatment methods available, thankfully in the majority of cases, non-surgical treatment cures the condition. Only in the most extreme cases is surgery necessary.

More information on the best way to treat plantar fasciitis can be found at

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9y ago

Plantar fasciitis is a serious condition. At its most extreme, the worst cases of plantar fasciitis can cause ruptures in the ligament.

The initial step is to cease the that led to the foot pain. The person should change his or her activity or exercise routines to lessen strain on the plantar fascia. The foot should be rested, elevate the feet and iced repeatedly during the initial stage of treatment. Patients should try not to run or walk too much, instead go for a bike ride or a swim. Activity levels must be raised gradually as tolerated during the later stages of treatment. Over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen and aspirin can help reduce pain, however patients must ensure they seek medical advice prior to using any medication.

After the end of the initial rest and recovery stage, patients should start aggressive treatment, tackling the problem with multiple techniques. These must involve: taping, PT and deep massage, the use of night splints, inserts for shoes or should designed for plantar fasciitis. Patients need to follow a specially designed series of stretching exercises (preferably following a short warm-up), although take care to avoid overly aggressive stretching at the start of the treatment as this can re-injure the plantar fascia.

It may take several months for symptoms to go away and the plantar fascia to be completely healed. Remember that a damaged ligament (even microscopic tears) only comes about after recurring and prolonged stress and to reverse this, lengthy rest and treatment is required. Further, the longer the patient has been suffering from plantar fasciitis and the worse the heel pain, the longer the treatment will take.

Very long-term plantar fasciitis should be diagnosed by a doctor who may take an x-ray of the your heel. If conventional treatments have not resulted in improvements, your doctor may prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), steroid injections, or x-ray treatment. Surgery is only necessary in the most extreme of cases.

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12y ago

Plantar aponeurosis is the ligament that attaches the heel bone to the toe bases. It maintains the arch of the foot and many intrinsic muscles originate from that fascia. When it gets inflamed generally at the hell insertion the condition is called as plantar fascitis.

The first line of management is --

cushioned soft heel

soft heeled sleepers

avoid walking on hard surfaces

antiinflammatory agents

foot intrinsic muscle strengthening exercises

if this fails

local steroid injections

if this fails

repeat steroid injection

if this fails

surgery - plantar fascia release.

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12y ago

Try to give your feet a rest and cutting back on things or activities that make your feet hurt will help you. Do some calf stretches or try putting ice on them to stop swelling and pain. These should all work for you.

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13y ago

Foot pain is a common complaint among athletes and walkers. Foot pain is one of the most common complaints in the United States, mainly because many United States citizens are on their feet walking around during their job. Foot pain is a general term, and can mean many different things; however, the most common foot injury is called Plantar Fasciitis.

Plantar Fasciitis can cause extreme foot pain, especially in the heel and even up into the Achilles tendon. Plantar Fasciitis is caused by stiffness in the bottom of the foot and can be a debilitating injury if inflamed. Many people suffer from Plantar Fasciitis and it is especially common in athletes and people who work out in worn out running shoes.

Plantar Fasciitis typically hurts extremely bad in the morning when you first wake up and can persist throughout the day. In extreme cases of Plantar Fasciitis, the foot pain can be so intense that surgery is required. Surgery for Plantar Fasciitis does not cure all the foot pain though, because scar tissue can build up in the Plantar Fasciitis and in the tendons around that area, creating an all new and different type of foot pain.

There are certain techniques and exercises that can be used to stop foot pain associated with Plantar Fasciitis. A good technique is to take a Golf ball and place it on the bottom of the foot. Once the golf ball is under your foot, begin to roll the golf ball back and forth, focusing on the area where the foot pain is most severe. This is a cheap and effective way to get rid of foot pain associated with the Plantar Fasciitis tendon. Another technique is to take a frozen water bottle and roll it on a Plantar Fasciitis area. This will help loosen and reduce swelling and inflammation.

Another good way to eliminate foot pain associated with Plantar Fasciitis is to always make sure you have good running or walking shoes. Running or walking in old worn out shoes is one of the causes of Plantar Fasciitis. Plantar Fasciitis can cause a tremendous amount of foot pain and should be avoided at all costs, so it is important that you have new and supportive shoes to wear.

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2y ago

Here is a guide:

www. wearduke. com/best-walking-shoes-for-plantar-fasciitis/

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How can I prevent plantar fasciitis?

The best way to prevent plantar fasciitis is to rest. This will give time for the inflammation to decrease. The next thing is to apply ice. This will facilitate the decrease of inflammation. A wise way to do this is to freeze plastic water bottles and then roll your foot over the frozen bottle.

Dealing with Plantar Fasciitis?

Plantar fasciitis is a physical condition that millions of people deal with around the world on a daily basis. In fact, there are many trainers and doctors who consider plantar fasciitis to be among the most common conditions their clients are faced with. While it is a very common thing for runners and walkers to go through, this doesn't mean that it shouldn't be taken seriously when it crops up. To put it simply, plantar fasciitis is a strain of the plantar fascia. The plantar fascia is the tissue that connects the ball of your foot to the heel and can be felt under the skin. When placed under sudden or prolonged strain, the plantar fascia can become strained and tighten up. This leads to inflammation on the arch of the foot and is one of the most common causes of heel pain in the country. Fast-paced early morning walks are one common way in which people develop this painful inflammatory condition. The muscles and tendons in the feet need to be given time to limber up after a night of sleep. When they are not allowed to limber up, they can be put under a significant amount of strain fairly quickly. Even a short burst of speed to catch the subway to work can leave you with a throbbing pain in your foot. Marathon runners often suffer from plantar fasciitis for a number of reasons. The continued strain of running over many miles can cause an inflammation in the feet. This is why many trail runners are advised to not walk on asphalt after a long run. The significant change in the "give" of the land beneath their feet can engender further inflammation and make plantar fasciitis even worse. Runners are generally encouraged to let their feet rest after a long run and to use compression socks to increase circulation. To avoid getting plantar fasciitis, feet should be properly stretched before any physical activity. This is true even if you are only walking a small distance to a bus stop or up a few flights of stairs. Keeping your feet limber is absolutely the best way to avoid the pain of plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis is thankfully not a dangerous or an altogether debilitating condition on its own. Persistent plantar fasciitis could be indicative of further issues, so you should contact your doctor if the condition does not go away or if it worsens.

Can kids get plantar fasciitis?

defiatly yes, kids can get plantar fasciitis, but the way to know the effect on kids is when the feet is reddish in colour. you should immediately consult your doctor to check if you have plantar fasciitis. This is the most common cause of heel pain. It is a situation occurring due to the inflammation of foot ligament holding the back of the kid's foot. Tears caused in this fascia ligament due to excessive running and foot stretching can cause pain in heel. the kid might feel chronic pain especially in the morning while walking, crawling or walking after taking some amount of rest.

What causes bottom foot pain?

Bottom foot pain can have a variety of causes. It can be anything from a bruised heel to plantar fasciitis. Either way, it should be looked at by a doctor if it persists.

What walking shoe should you wear with plantar fasciitis?

A friend of mine reccommended using the NEW BALANCE M1122 sneakers to help with my plantar fasciitis (which I have on BOTH feet). They were expensive - US$ 120.00, which is MUCH more $ than I ever thought I would ever pay for a pair of sneakers ! But I must admit, that there is a HUGE difference when I wear these NB 1122's rather than any other traditional sneaker I have tried. I lace up them up rather tightly, and go out for my usual 3 - 4 mile workout. Even with this short a distance my plantar ligament used to hurt so much that walking that night and the next day was VERY painful. Now, since I have been wearing the NB 1122's, the pain afterwards has been reduced about 75 % ! They work MUCH better than the bulky gel pack orthotic pads that an Orthopedist rescribed for me. I would strongly reccommend these NB 1122 shoes to anyone who has "chronic" plantar fasciitis like I do - well worth the $ investment ED

Minimalist Running with Plantar Fasciitis?

There has been a huge rise in the amount of interest people are showing over supposed "barefoot" running. This running style is often meant to mimic the running style of a person without any shoes on, and is more appropriately termed "minimalist" running when low-drop shoes are used. Many people believe that minimalist running is the cure to a number of different running injuries they used to have, and there is a lot of science behind that claim.One question that is always asked in the minimalist running community is whether it's possible or safe for people with plantar fasciitis to take up minimalist running. After all, the lack of arch support can sometimes be an issue with regular running, so why would it not also be an issue with minimalist running? While there are a number of different stances on this, the general accepted scientific logic about minimalist running with plantar fasciitis is that it isn't just safe, but it can actually be good for your feet. In the very least, it can give you a level of foot strength that you wouldn't otherwise enjoy. There are a number of reasons for this, but a couple stand out above the others.Basically, plantar fasciitis is known as being "flat footed." People with this condition have no arch, and are therefore more prone to things like knee and foot pain when using regular shoes that have no arch support. However, there are studies that have shown the possibility of plantar fasciitis reversal in people that engage in minimalist or barefoot running. This is due primarily to the fact that this style of running engages the tendon in such a way as to make it more taut, which is what creates that distinctive arch in the feet of people without plantar fasciitis.If you decide to try out minimalist running as a possible cure for your plantar fasciitis, it's important that you take it very slow and do a lot of research. Trying to run the same distances in minimalist shoes that you can in "traditional" shoes is almost guaranteed to lead to big injuries-- so take it slow.

Are there everyday products that I can use for a plantar fasciitis treatment that can help in everyday life?

Time will tell. The only way to hill it is rest at home and drink your medicine, probable also put some ice on it maybe will help you a little be more but not that much every person is different!

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What is the most common way to injure your heel?

Heel pain is quite common, and there are plenty of causes for this. The most widely known complaint would be plantar fasciitis. Following complaints would be heel spurs and tarsal tunnel syndrome. If you are not sure of the cause of your symptoms, I'd suggest seeking medical attention.

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