As a Pilates teacher selling items to clients and others, i would recommend first an email to all yoga studios in the US and European community explaining your products and its benefits. i would also target all chiropractors, osteopaths, physiotherapists, sports clinics and even Pilates studios as we all deal in one manner or another with posture related issues. If interested then you could send a flyer through the mail or email. If targeting other countries be prepared to quote a shipping rate and import duties/taxes and other details like for delivery. I hope that this helps. Good luck with your venture. Monique
the best an strongest deck on the market is mgp the style is slamm and jd bug are for safty and portableness
As of July 2014, the market cap for Deckers Outdoor Corporation (DECK) is $2,951,043,578.10.
The best deck is what you like and how you use it, there is no best deck just like water puts out fire and so on there is always a meta-deck that will always beat another meta-deck.
There is no "best" deck.
the best starter deck are squirtle sindoquil and turtwig
there is an investment on the market to do with manfacturing bubble deck , i am wondering if it is a scam or a real investment
in my opinion the original phoenix is one of the best.
In my opinion, the best cassette deck is made by sony.
ricky rules
I would say that the best Tech Deck is ZERO because of its amazing grip!
You have to buy the wiring harness for the new deck the connect the corresponding wires
a spellcaster deck is the stroungst deck that u can get