The average weight of a 5 ft. 9 in 27 year old male is between 125.3 lbs. and 169.3 lbs. The actual weight depends upon factors such as body shape, frame and level of activity.
170lbs is a good weight
153-187 pounds
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The Ideal Body weight for a man 5 foot 8 is 154
About 130 -135 Pounds for a medium frame individual
About 75 kg or 165 lbs.
It depends where you live. America is 5 9
The average weight would be around 130.
I think that you should weight around 160 pounds minimum to 200 maximum.
The average weight of a man who is 6'5'' is between about 190-220 lbs. Differences can be cause by body type, muscle mass, certain medical conditions and medication, along with other factors. Weights within a few pounds of this scale are usually "average" or "healthy", too.