I would say, without knowing your body composition, approximately 125-135lbs. With that said, I definitely recommend getting a body fat analysis done to determine your body fat percentage; a certified personal trainer can do this via measurements using skinfold calipers. Once the BF% is known, your true ideal weight can be calculated.
110 pounda
175 if tough and big boned 150 if really skinny
not sure, but im 5 foot 1 inch and 14 and i weigh 103 pounds
6 Foot 1 Inch
The average weight of a 5' 6" male is 62.2 - 66.7kgs And the average weight of a 5' 6" women is 58.9 - 63.5kgs However if your body fat percentage is below 10 % then you can weight more
87 lbs
125 pounds i think
check his BMI