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Q: What is lake of physical or mental fitness?
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Which of these is not a component of physical fitness?

Mental flexibility is not a component of physical fitness. Physical fitness components include cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, and body composition. Mental flexibility falls under the category of cognitive fitness or mental wellness.

What two factors are great aids in helping Soldiers endure the stress of combat operations?

Mental and physical fitness

What is the medical term for lack of physical or mental fitness?

Lack of physical fitness is often called "deconditioning".

What is hiking used for?

Pleasure, and physical and mental fitness.

What are two important parts of physical fitness program?

Physical-related and Mental-related.

What is general fitness?

General fitness is all to do with your mental and physical health. It can be from what sports you participate in to which foods you eat.

What are the Ten ways sports can be used to control youths restiveness?

It improves physical fitness

Does dog sledding require both mental toughness and physical fitness?


Lack of physical or mental fitness is?

The lack of either physical or mention fitness can both be unhealthy for you. You need to stay active physically but if you mind is not in good shape, your physical health will not matter.

What are the two areas of health related fitness training?

The 4 areas of physical fitness are; 1. Physical 2. Emotional 3. Mental 4. Social Hope that helps.

What are some of the advantages of upper body fitness?

improved sense of physical and mental well-being

What is the goal of physical fitness?

The major goal of physical fitness is an absence of disease, positive energy, and a sense of physical and mental well-being.Being physiologically capable of handling challenges that exist above a resting threshold of activity.