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If you are creating a meditation centre, the most important thing is that you have a deep, deep meditation yourself. This arises after years of practice. My experience has been that over the years, I have meditated in a number of very beautiful places. If I ever get to the point where I am ready to open a centre, I will know from my experience what is needed.

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Q: What is in a Buddhist meditation garden?
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When it becomes a focus for meditation.

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Although the Hollywood version of a Zen Buddhist meditating usually involves a Zen Garden, meditation hall, or a freezing waterfall in the middle of winter (?), Zen meditation can occur almost anywhere that there is a minimum of distraction. For students sitting a meditation hall under the guidance of a master is usual, but sitting or standing or walking Zen is also possible.

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A stupa is a mound-like structure which is used to by Buddhist to store relics. A stupa is also used to as a place for meditation by Buddhist.

What is Buddhist practice?

For most Buddhsts in the Tibetan tradition practise is typically meditation.

What are facts Buddhist meditation?

If properly done, it's essentially the same as any other kind of true meditation. That is, focusing the mind for long time on a very specific and simple object, being physical or not (even "no object" could be). It seems that in Buddhist meditation some meditation objects are more frequent. Such is the case of meditation on breathing, on the body parts or on the full body as a whole among others.