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we can get relieve from muscles cramps by a massage or a hot water bath

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Q: What is good advice for getting rid of muscle cramps due to exercise?
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What are muscle spasms and cramps?

what is the difference between muscle spasm and muscle cramps

What happens if enough glucose doesn't reach the muscle during exercise?

the muscles produce lactic acid which then relieves the muscles but it results in muscle cramps

How can a Pit Bull gain muscle?

By getting exercise.

What is the specific reason for muscle cramps that are caused due to the sudden physical exercise?

due to lack of oxygen

What can cause Muscle cramps and muscle spaasms?

loss of fluid and potassium in the muscles

What is the suffix for cramps or twitching?

The suffix for cramps or twitching is "-spasm." For example, muscle cramps can be referred to as "cramps," and involuntary muscle twitching can be referred to as "twitching."

Do guys get cramps?

Yes they do.. thay do not get period cramps but they can get muscle cramps.

Is it true gardening will help with age related muscle cramps?

Gardening is indeed a good way to relieve age based muscle pain and get some good exercise as well. You will get a good amount of low impact exercise and the work will improve your flexibility as well.

What can be relieved by massaging the muscle?

Muscle spasms or cramps.

What exercise can cause side effects such as headache nausea sluggishness irritability and muscle cramps?

Breakdancing, running backwards, upside scissors kicks and salami tossing.

Cramping of a toe?

Cramps tend to be more common with increasing age and are thought to be due to gradual shortening of the tendons which attach muscles to bones. Cramps can occur after exercise when a muscle has been used a lot. Dehydration can make this worse.

What is muscle cramps?

Muscles cramps occur when a muscle contracts and does not relax. This causes pain in one or sometimes multiple muscles.