

What is dorsiflexion?

Updated: 9/14/2023
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10y ago

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Dorsiflexion happens when the toes are brought closer to the shin and decreases the ankle between the leg and the dorsum of the foot. Walking on your heels causes dorsiflexion of your ankle.

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Related questions

What is the opposite of dorsiflexion?

The opposite of dorsiflexion is plantar flexion.

Dorsiflexion is in what axis of rotation?

Dorsiflexion occurs in the sagittal axis of rotation.

Do the foot and ankle both do dorsiflexion?

Yes, both the foot and ankle have the capacity for dorsiflexion

What is the prime mover in ankle dorsiflexion?

The prime mover in ankle dorsiflexion is the tibialis anterior muscle, which is located at the front of the shin. This muscle contracts to pull the foot upward, allowing for dorsiflexion of the ankle joint.

What is the average range of dorsiflexion?

Dorsiflexion is a movement upward and is usually in the ankle. The average range is from 0 to 20 degrees.

Dorsiflexion is movement of the foot?

Dorsiflexion is the movement of bringing the foot upwards towards the shin, decreasing the angle between the foot and the leg. This movement is important for activities like walking, running, and jumping.

What plane of motion is dorsiflexion?

Dorsiflexion is movement in the sagittal plane, where the foot or hand is bent upwards towards the body.

Which movement is limited to the foot?

Plantar flexion is a movement limited to the foot where the top of the foot moves away from the shin. This movement is often used when pointing the toes down, such as during calf raises.

Movements of the ankle?

The ankle joint can perform various movements, including plantarflexion (pointing the foot downwards), dorsiflexion (bringing the foot up towards the shin), inversion (turning the sole of the foot inwards), and eversion (turning the sole of the foot outwards). These movements are essential for walking, running, and maintaining balance. Strengthening and stretching exercises can help improve the ankle's range of motion and stability.

What muscle is involved with ankle dorsiflexion?

Ankle dorsiflexion is when the ankle is moved back towards the body. The muscles involved in this movement is the ankle extensor.

What movement occurs when you stand on your heels?


Which muscles produce dorsiflexion when contracted?

tibialis anterior