

Best Answer

Kegel exercise is important for proper maintenance of the cremasteric muscle.You may want to consult a physician about this. Have a great day, cmf3225

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Q: What is an Exercise for the cremasteric muscle?
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What is the name of the artery that supplies the cremasteric muscle?

cremastric artery

How cremasteric reflex perform?

The cremasteric reflex is a normal reflex in males where stroking the inner thigh causes the cremaster muscle in the scrotum to contract, pulling the testicle upwards. This reflex helps to protect the testicles by retracting them closer to the body in response to touch near the inner thigh. It is controlled by the genital branch of the genitofemoral nerve.

During exercise muscle cells use what?

During exercise muscle cells use oxygen.

Why is it important to eat protein after exercise?

To help in muscle recovery by rebuilding damaged muscle tissue from exercise

Does muscle fibers brake down during exercise?

Yes. Strenuous exercise can kill the muscle fibers. Such muscle fibers are replaced by fibrous tissue.

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What is the definition of Target muscle?

The primary muscle intended for exercise.

What helps regulate the temperature of the testes?

The cremaster muscle and the dartos muscle help regulate the temperature of the testes by moving the testes closer to the body to keep them warm or away from the body to cool them down. The testes are located outside the body in the scrotum, which helps maintain a lower temperature than the rest of the body, which is crucial for sperm production.

Fat Or Muscle Weight Loss?

Yes, exercise is the key to keeping muscle tone. If you lose weight and don't exercise you will also lose your muscle in the process.

Why exercise makes you stronger?

Exercise causes your muscle cells to widen and grow so that that muscle becomes bigger and stronger.

Which of these increase muscle strength?

Muscle strength is most often increased through repeated use of the muscle or exercise. Muscle strength can also be increased with a combination of exercise and diet that includes protein.

What does exercise do to your muscles?

It damages your muscle. Your body then use the protein from food to repair those muscle, and adapt the muscle to be ready for the next exercise. Resulting in the increase in size.